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This Picture Of Dan Crenshaw’s Bloody Hand Goes Viral, Many Suspect He Punched A Wall



Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas had an interesting week last week. Once the darling of young conservatives because of his service as a Navy SEAL, generally conservative viewpoints, and being more attractive than the generally ogrish DC Swamp Creature, Dan showed yet again that he’s just another Uniparty politician rather than an America First Republican during the battle over whether Rep. Kevin McCarthy would become the Speaker of the House.

Specifically, Rep. Crenshaw appeared on the Guy Benson Show and called those 20 GOP holdouts who initially refused to vote for Kevin McCarthy “terrorists,” saying “we cannot let the terrorists win” when discussing their refusal to back McCarthy.

He also accused them of holding Congress hostage, saying in a tweet “Right now a handful of Republicans are holding us hostage from completing our mission: serving our country. Let’s hope that changes soon and we can start taking the fight to the Democrats, where it belongs.”

That then led to Crenshaw getting skewered by the more conservative figures on the right, particularly Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson, who said:

Dan Crenshaw went all the way, as neocons always do, he proceeded to go to CNN to call his political opponents enemies of the state.

Tucker also said, in the same monologue, “What you just saw as Dan Crenshaw just spoke, what you just saw is the snarling face of the donor class, revealed for all to see finally. The deep loathing of disobedient voters that may be their most passionate secret emotion. They’re not bothering to hide that emotion anymore. Now you know how they really feel.

Crenshaw, for his part, hit back with a tweet. In it, he said “Unclutch your pearls. It’s a figure of speech. You can’t insult, slander, and hold everyone hostage with no way out – and not expect me to punch back. Grow thicker skin.

woke bishop

Well, while he was telling others to unclutch their pearls, it looks like he might have forgotten to a) unclutch his fist and b) not slam it into a wall. Yes, that’s right, it looks like Dan Crenshaw might have bloodied his hand when punching a wall, as some astute observers noted on Twitter. One such astute observer was Blaze TV personality Keith Malinak, who posted a screenshot of Crenshaw with bloody knuckles:

Predictably, the comments and quote tweets were full of funny, anti-Crenshaw comments. The best was a meme putting an eye-patch over Crenshaw’s bloody knuckles, but some other good ones included:

“Calling his own party members terrorists isn’t working out so well.”

“Finally get rid of Kinzinger then Crenshaw decides to take his place going full Hydra. Dude is a poser, a cry baby, and a sellout that is product of the WEF”

“Thought he would have wanted the balloting to keep going due to his love for endless war”

“If @DanCrenshawTX is actually punching walls in the Capitol, I hope he knocks it off. Taxpayers will be forced to pay for the repairs.”

“I think he was probably a good guy once and I’m thankful for his service. However, like many before him, he’s gone off the rails in Congress and does NOT represent the people as he should.”