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Kathy Griffin Blames Donald Trump For ‘Complex PTSD’ Diagnosis



Comedian Kathy Griffin suggested former President Donald Trump played a part in her recent “complex PTSD” diagnosis.

In a TikTok posted last week, Griffin announced she began to develop post-traumatic stress disorder in 2017, around the time she tweeted a picture of herself holding a bloodied, severed head that resembled Trump.

“Let’s talk about PTSD. Never talked about it publicly,” Griffin said in the TikTok video. “You can laugh or whatever, but I’ve been diagnosed with complex PTSD, and it’s called an extreme case.”

“If any of you know my story, you’ll understand that this really started for me about five and a half years ago. Wink,” the comedian added, presumably referencing the Trump bloody head picture.


@kathygriffin Never talked about this publicly. I have lots of tools, but it is extremely intense. I’ve never experienced anything like this in my life. If you’re someone who also deals with this, I am sending you lots and lots of #love. ##PTSD##Depression##Anxiety##ComplexPTSD ♬ original sound – realkathygriffin

After Griffin posted the controversial Trump image, CNN fired her and multiple venues canceled comedy stops Griffin had booked. “I wasn’t canceled … I was erased,” Griffin said in a 2022 interview.

In other recent TikTok videos Griffin went into further detail about her condition, writing in one post she currently has “anxiety about life” in general. “My life definitely changed 5 1/2 years ago as you guys know, but this last year and a half has been plagued with PTSD stuff. it’s funny. I don’t have anxiety about performing, but I have anxiety about life,” the caption of one video reads.

In November 2022, following the Elon Musk takeover of Twitter, Griffin suffered a Twitter suspension for impersonating Musk. At the time, Musk joked Griffin “was suspended for impersonating a comedian.”