Speaking with Breitbart News on Saturday, Kimberly Guilfoyle hit back hard at those in the GOP that think it’s time to move on from Trump. She also explained why the base is so loyal to the former President.
Speaking on the matter of why Trump is the one likely to get the 2024 nomination and why he commands such loyalty from the MAGA base, she used his East Palestine visit to note that he’s the one who shows up and he’s the one who built the movement by doing so. In her words: “It’s Trump’s party. He built that, and it’s incredible, and, you know, East Palestine was just another shining example.”
“You saw it in their faces when he was there,” she added. “People really saw, okay, wait a second. These are Trump supporters. Biden didn’t show up. Pete Buttigieg showed up the next day, you know, at like 7:00 a.m. for five minutes.”
Driving that point home, she said “The Democrats have become the party of elitism and globalism, okay? Nobody likes it. President Trump is the party of America First.”
She also ripped into those globalist elites in the Democrat Party and RINO wing of the GOP. In her view, they care more about Ukraine and what’s going on abroad than what’s impacting the lives of ordinary Americans, particularly those hard hit by the globalist agenda and the resulting deindustrialization. In her words:
“They don’t care about the hard-working men and women across this country. They don’t care if you’re worried about paying your taxes. They don’t care about you being upset about your children getting indoctrinated. They don’t care that they’ve destroyed infrastructure and manufacturing jobs across the country. And they don’t care that they’re exporting … American jobs, okay? They’re more worried about what’s going on in Ukraine and sending your tax dollars there.”
Recent polling shows Guilfoyle’s claim about Trump commanding the loyalty of heartland voters to be generally accurate, particularly among the demographic hardest hit by globalism and found in such forgotten towns as East Palestine, Ohio. NBC News, reporting on Trump’s support within the GOP and from whom it largely comes, said:
Former President Donald Trump is dominating the GOP field among strong Republicans, those who are “very” conservative and whites without college degrees, while Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (who has yet to announce a bid) has healthy leads among Republican leaners and whites who hold college degrees.
Overall, in a potential 14-candidate field, Trump is the choice of 42% of Republicans and Republican leaners; DeSantis gets 36%; newly minted GOP candidate Nikki Haley gets 5%; and former VP Mike Pence and former Trump Secretary of State Mike Pompeo each get 4%.
What remains to be seen is whether her argument will remain accurate after Haley, Pompeo, and other establishment candidates drop out. Will those voters go for DeSantis and swipe the nomination from Trump, assuming DeSantis runs, or will Trump pull off another 2016-like victory and hammer the competition into the ground?