Former President Donald J. Trump couldn’t resist poking fun at CNN’s anchor extraordinaire, Anderson Cooper, with a spoof of the host’s post-town hall message to the audience.
In the hilarious clip, an AI-generated Cooper flawlessly declared: “That was President Donald J. Trump ripping us a new a**hole here on CNN’s live presidential town hall. Thank you for watching. Have a good night.”
Trump, known for his wit, seized the opportunity to mock his rival news network. The viral video quickly spread like wildfire across social media platforms, sparking a wave of memes and online discussions.
Liberals were expectedly outraged.
How dare they!
— (@unbaffle_me) May 12, 2023
The night after CNN’s most-notable event in years, Cooper began his show with a very bizarre monologue apologizing to the network’s audience.
“Many of you have expressed deep anger and disappointment, many of you are upset that someone who attempted to destroy our democracy was invited to sit on a stage in front of a crowd of Republican voters to answer questions, and predictably continued to spew lie, after lie, after lie,” Cooper said in the strange rant.
Watch Cooper’s controversial monologue here.
How dare they!
— (@unbaffle_me) May 12, 2023
The left clearly lacks any semblance of a sense of humor.
— Mike Anderson (@MikeSmalltalk) May 12, 2023
I’m sorry this is happening to you.
— Appalachia Initiative (@AppalachiaIsGr8) May 12, 2023
I will await Anderson’s instructions on how we should feel about this.
— EmmyinGA💙💙💙 (@emmyin_ga) May 12, 2023