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Trump Responds To Kamala Harris In First Rally Since Biden Exit: ‘YOU’RE FIRED!’



Former President Donald Trump vowed to use his signature line on Vice President Kamala Harris when reacting to her candidacy for the first time after President Biden’s announced that he will not be seeking re-election in November.

Trump began by congratulating the Charlotte, North Carolina crowd for defeating “crooked Joe Biden.”

As you know, three days ago, we officially defeated the worst president in the history of our country, Crooked Joe Biden. He quit because he was losing so badly in the polls. He was down in every single poll and down by a lot, so he quit,” the former president said. 

But really, what happened was the leaders of the Democrat Party, in a very undemocratic move. The bosses, they said, ‘either you get out or we’re going to throw you out using the 25th Amendment.’ That’s what happened.”

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Trump — who predicted that he would ultimately be facing off against Vice President Harris for weeks — then reacted to her candidacy for the first time in a rally format.

“Radical liberal Kamala Harris now wants, now she wants a promotion to deliver four more years of chaos. We’ve had the worst four years,” Trump said.

“You know, I say about Biden, if you took the 10 worst presidents in the history of our country, added them up, they won’t have done the damage that crooked Joe Biden has done,” the former president continued.  But this November, the American people are going to tell her, no, thanks, Kamala. You’ve done a terrible job. You’ve been terrible at everything you’ve done. You’re ultra liberal that we don’t want you here. We don’t want you anywhere.”

“Kamala, you’re fired! Get out of here, you’re fired!”

“Kamala Harris is the most liberal elected politician in American history. Did you know that? She’s an ultra-liberal politician,” Trump told the North Carolina crowd.

“She’s absolutely terrible. She’s, as you know, more liberal than Bernie Sanders. Can you believe it? She’s rated far more liberal than Bernie Sanders. And she’s now trying to get rid of her record, but she can’t. She’s going out and saying things that she doesn’t believe, and if she ever got in, she’d destroy this country so fast.”

After listing a number of her most radical policies — a list that includes free healthcare for illegal aliens, decriminalizing illegal immigration, mandatory gun confiscation, and bans on offshore drilling — Trump concluded that Harris would destroy the United States in less than one year if elected.

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