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Trump Rips Biden On Comedy Podcast, Makes Liberal Hosts Explode In Laughter



Former President Donald Trump may be the most powerful, and genuinely hilarious, stand-up comedian in the world.

The recent leader of the free world had podcast hosts grabbing their sides in stitches after ripping President Joe Biden over his age and ineptitude. Flashing a sly grin, President Trump said he is “sad” to see how much his former rival has declined after almost four years in office. “He has one ability I don’t have: he sleeps. He can sleep.”

Before he had finished his observation, Trump had Andrew Schulz and his co-hosts rolling with laughter while describing Biden’s final summer vacation. “He sleeps on one of those six-ounce… he can barely lift them, they’re meant for children, young people, and old people to lift,” Trump said, referencing Biden’s beach chair. “They’re aluminum, and he can’t lift. Somebody convinced him he looks great in a bathing suit, and when you’re 82 typically bathing suits aren’t gonna make you look great. You’re not gonna be enhanced, alright? It’s just one of those things.”


Biden was blasted over the weekend for spending a few hours on the beach one week after Hurricane Helene devastated much of the country’s southern half of the east coast. He cut his beach trip short, but the image of Biden relaxing on the beach called to mind other sun-fever missteps by politicians. In 2017, New Jersey’s then-governor Chris Christie prompted national outrage after aerial footage emerged of the heavyset Republican sunning himself on a state beach that had been closed to the public as part of an ongoing government shutdown. Both instances are cautionary tales that Americans do not much care for politicians working on their tans during public emergencies.

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Going on, Trump mockingly praised Biden’s “ability to fall asleep” with almost no consideration for who’s watching. “He can lie down, and it’s one of those things where in minutes he’s stone-cold out, and he’s got cameras on him because he’s the president. You’ll never see me sleeping in front of cameras.”

After a lifetime in the public eye, President Trump has honed his humor into a sharp tool on the stump. At a fundraiser earlier this week, the 78-year-old looked over his Mar-a-Lago crowd and asked the Gays for Trump coalition members to raise their hands. He pointed out to one man, saying flatly, “You don’t look gay,” prompting a terrific roar from the crowd.


One thing’s for sure: If Trump earns a second four years in the White House, Americans will either be shaking with laughter or fury at his unparalleled ability to make almost anyone on Earth cheer or jeer.