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UH OH: Google Is About To Funnel Millions Of Dollars Into “Fact Checking” Initiatives That Will Likely Favor Democrats



Two big-time tech companies announced they would contribute a $13 million grant to help fund global fact-checking programs. Whenever you hear leftists referring to “fact-checking” you can basically assume what they really mean is suppression and censorship. Kind of like how social media companies like Facebook and Twitter suppressed the New York Post story about Hunter Biden’s laptop, blocking the publication and anyone who dared to share the article just weeks before the 2020 presidential election.

The Daily Wire is reporting that both Google and YouTube have stated they would provide financial backing to the International Fact-Checking Network, known as IFCN, which is connected to the Poynter Institute, in order to support “fact-checking initiatives” all the way through 2025.

Again, when the left talks about protecting people from “misinformation,” what they really mean is insulating folks from hearing alternative points of view, leaving their worldview and system of beliefs completely unchallenged.

“The world needs fact-checking more than ever before. This partnership with Google and YouTube infuses financial support to global fact-checkers and is a step in the right direction,” Baybars Örsek, the IFCN’s executive director, went on to say. “And while there’s much work to be done, this partnership has sparked meaningful collaboration and an important step.”

“About $12 million of the grant will go to the group’s Global Fact Check Fund, which will disburse money to fact-checking groups from around the world that adhere to its Code of Principles. These include groups in the U.S., Brazil, Nepal, Ukraine, Norway, Spain, Taiwan, South Africa, and India,” the report revealed.

Orsek then explained that IFCN was “grateful to Google and YouTube for their commitment to bolster fact-checkers in an ever-increasing environment of mis- and disinformation.”

The Poynter Institute has stated that some of the money from the two tech giants will go toward a foundation with the goal in mind of establishing a “neutral and independent selection committee” and other expansions of their fact-checking program.

liz cheney

The IFCN was first established back in 2015. The advisory board for the organization is comprised of people from different groups, including PolitiFact and the Washington Post. Oh, there’s for sure not going to be any bias here, right? Of course not. What publication could be any more objective than WaPo?

Hope you picked up the sarcasm. I was laying it on pretty thick.

Olivia Ma, the manager of Google’s Global News Program and Ecosystem, remarked that the company believes it has a role to play in helping to fight against “misinformation,” and guiding folks to make “informed decisions.”

“Combating misinformation is an ongoing global challenge for society. We take seriously our role in helping to fight misinformation by continually investing in products, programs and partnerships that help people access high-quality information,” Ma commented.

It’s not the job of Google or any other tech company to fight against what they call “misinformation.” People are smart enough to do their own research and come to their own conclusions. What this company is saying here is they want to bury conservative points of view and guide the general public toward its left-wing narratives, encouraging them to make decisions against their own best interest.