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Veteran Gives Perfect, Sobering Reaction To Biden’s Student Debt Cancellation Plan



Veteran Johnny “Joey” Jones has the most perfect, yet totally sobering response to the unveiling of President Joe Biden’s new plan to cancel student loan debt for Americans who are making less than $125,000 a year.

According to a report from the Daily Wire, Biden’s new plan would “forgive” $10,000 in debt for the individuals who are learning less than $125,000 a year, and for folks who qualified to receive Pell Grants, $20,000 in debt will be cancelled.

Jones took to social media giant Twitter to share his reaction to the news, going on to say, “I cannot believe I gave two legs for my tuition,” making a reference to the severe injuries he suffered while valiantly and honorably serving as a U.S. Marine in order to have his college tuition paid for.

“What a dope I am,” he went on to add. “Ooh-rah!”

Jones’ tweet quickly went viral, earning more than 40,000 likes in just a matter of hours.

“Jones lost both legs and suffered serious damage to his right forearm and both wrists in 2010 while serving as an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD/Bomb) technician in Afghanistan,” the Daily Wire reported.

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The Fox News contributor was not the only one to express some feelings about Biden’s announcement. As reported by The Daily Wire, others online called the move to cancel student debt ‘f***ing insanity’ and’“a real slap in the face’ for those who’ve paid off their debts or opted not to take out loans they couldn’t afford,” the report continued.

“All of this means people can start finally to climb out from under that mountain of debt,” Biden said during remarks he made at the White House on Wednesday. “To finally think about buying a home or starting a family or starting a business. And by the way, when this happens, the whole economy is better off.”

Biden was then asked if he felt the policy he was now pushing was “unfair to people who paid their student loans or chose to not take out loans.” He responded by going on and on about “multi-billion-dollar businesses” and tax breaks.

An analysis done by the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, stated that the student debt forgiveness plan unveiled by the president will really only help higher income earners — people who don’t need the plan to begin with — while making inflation worse.

“Nixing $10,000 of student loans per borrower would cost $298 billion in 2022 and a total of $329 billion by 2031 if the policy is renewed each year, according to the nonpartisan Wharton analysis. Less than 32% of the funding would benefit Americans in the two lowest income quintiles, while 42% would benefit those earning more than $82,400 per year,” the report said.

“People in higher income households are more likely to have student debt and they owe more on average,” Cato Institute education policy analyst Colleen Hroncich went on to say in comments delivered to The Daily Wire. “So, most cancellation plans would benefit the wealthy more than middle-or lower-income families.”

You know, for a group of individuals to constantly hate on rich people and claim to work toward taking away funds from them in order to help the poor, the vast majority of the actions taken by the Democratic Party seem to mostly benefit the top one percent of earners in the country.

Ironic, isn’t it?

The bottom line is, it’s not the responsibility of the American taxpayers to pick up the tab for someone else’s choice to go to college. College is not a right. It’s a privilege. It’s not necessary for survival. Therefore, no one should be forced to pay for someone else’s education. It’s insane to think otherwise.

On top of that, it’s a total slap in the face to our military veterans who sacrifice so much in order to be able to go to school and open up more opportunities for themselves.

This was all done in order to increase the poll numbers for Democrats before the midterms this November because the approval for the left is in the toilet bowl. Let’s hope the tactic backfires.