WATCH: Biden Appears To ‘Flirt’ With Toddler In Creepy Video
During the weekend, President Joe Biden engaged in an odd conversation with a young child during an event over the weekend. The video showed Biden complimenting the child’s ears and then inquiring about her name and age.
“I love your ears. I love them,” Biden oddly said. “They’re really cool. What’s your name?”
“Catherine,” the girl fearfully responded.
“What a beautiful name. That’s my mommy’s name. Well, nice to see. How old are you, 17?”
“No, she’s six,” another girl chimed in.
The video has sparked a range of reactions online, with many people expressing their discomfort over the president’s interaction with the toddler. Many pointed to the exchange as an example of Biden’s frequent awkward and inappropriate remarks, especially in his interactions with children.
In another part of the event, Biden even said, “I like kids better than people. I wish I could stay and watch Wonka with you, but I’m not gonna get to do that.”
What a creep! Keep him away from children.
— Marc
(@gopher_marc) November 19, 2023
Look how excited he got when the other kid said “no, she’s 6.”
Pedo in Chief
He shouldn’t be allowed around children
— Johnny Allwine (@AllwineJohn) November 19, 2023
He is so obviously a pedo, and so is his son. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Straight to jail.
— Inversionism (@Inversionism) November 19, 2023
Can say anything NOT creepy as hell?
— Speak Truth & Raise Hell (@SpeakTruthAndRH) November 20, 2023
And his nurse looks on..
(@GarrigleKen) November 20, 2023