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Watch: Bubba Breaks Bad! Hot Tempered NASCAR Driver Causes Wreck, Throws Hands



Bubba Wallace is known for a lot of things. Remember back in 2020 when Wallace, who is black, caused a stir and hit the interview circuit after what looked to be a noose was found in his car garage? Of course, the story was quickly debunked by the FBI of all people, but that didn’t matter; Bubba soaked up the attention and basked in the race card.

Unfortunately, what Bubba isn’t known for are his wins, as they have been few and far between. Seems as if the woke mob and mainstream sports media are so desperate for a black man to excel in racing, that they are willing to overlook the fact that Wallace is universally disliked amongst his racing peers and hot-headed and dangerous as well. Wallace only has two wins in the Nascar Cup Series to his name, yet he is allowed to pull potentially deadly stunts and get away almost scot-free like he did Sunday.

During Stage 2 of the South Point 400 at Las Vegas Motor Speedway Sunday, driver Kyle Larson attempted a three-wide pass and barely brushed Bubba’s Toyota Camry. Apparently, this threw Wallace into a fit of circular road rage as he slammed into Larson’s car, pushing him down the track into a spinout. What happened next is inexcusable. Check this out.

NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace erupted into a fit of rage during a race on Sunday as he attacked another driver after causing that driver to crash.

Multiple reports said that the move by Wallace to spin out Larson’s car appeared to be intentional. NASCAR could penalize Wallace if they believe that his actions were deliberate.

There is little question based on video evidence that the move was intentional. The only real question is whether or not they will discipline Nascar’s poster child for diversity, or just sweep it under the rug.

woke bishop

After both cars came to a stop, Wallace, who has previously been described as being self-righteous and smug, got out of his car and physically attacked Larson, who is smaller than Wallace.

Larson tried to get away from Wallace and the physical attack was only stopped when NASCAR officials intervened.

Let’s just be clear here. If this were a white driver attacking Bubba Wallace on the infield after a crash, there would be charges filed for a hate crime. It would also be on a 24/7 loop on the mainstream news networks. It wasn’t, so this story will be memory-holed by the MSM quicker than you can make a series of left turns. (Racing joke).

Larson, for his part, kept a cool head, despite the bullying and aggression by Wallace on the infield. After the race, he had this to say regarding Wallace and his actions.

“I obviously made an aggressive move into three and got in low and got loose and chased it up a bit,” Larson said. “And yeah, I mean, he got to my right front, and I got him tight into the wall and knew he was gonna retaliate. So, like I said, I mean, he had a reason to be mad, but his race wasn’t over until he retaliated. So it is what it is. Just, yeah, just aggression turned into frustration and he retaliated.”

When pressed on whether Wallace should have been that aggressive in retaliation, Larson continued.

“I think with everything that’s been going on here lately with head injuries and all that, fractured ligaments and all that I don’t think it’s probably the right thing to do,” Larson said.

A very diplomatic and cool-headed response. After an incident like this, cool heads need to prevail, though those same cool heads also need to prevail on the track as well. There is a high degree of risk with this sport, and to act foolishly with other people’s lives and careers is the height of irresponsibility on Wallace’s part.

When interviewed by the same media person, Wallace maintained his hot-headed tact and claimed zero responsibility for his dangerous action, going so far as to snap at the reporter.

 “It was just a piss poor move on his execution.”

“When situations like this happen, Bubba, at this speed, is retaliation an acceptable thing?” the interviewer asked.

“Stop fishing,” Wallace snapped. “Stop fishing.”

“I’m not fishing. I’m just asking you,” the interviewer responded. “Let’s also talk about the message you wanted to send to Kyle by going up to him after the incident.”

“He knows,” Wallace said. “He knows that what he did was wrong. He wanted to question what I was doing. He never cleared me so just hate it for our team, our McDonald’s Toyota Camry was super solid.”

Bubba can deflect all he wants but putting your hands into the chest of another grown man in your sport is unacceptable. This type of aggression would have likely resulted in an ejection and possibly a suspension in the NFL, and that is a sport predicated on aggression. Kudos to Larson for being the bigger man, at least in character, and not going after the hot-headed Wallace on the infield. Now the onus is on NASCAR. Do they suspend the sports poster child for diversity and risk the inevitable cries of racism? Time will tell, but we are watching.