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WATCH: Crowd Fails To React After Nikki Haley Tells Cringeworthy Joke



During Nikki Haley’s CPAC speech on Friday, she attempted a “zinger” line directed at Joe Biden, but it fell flat in cringeworthy fashion.

After she delivered the joke, you could literally hear a pin drop. The crowd clearly didn’t know if they were supposed to clap or not.

“Joe‘s only regret is that he has not spent more [money]. He wants more handouts to illegal immigrants, more bail outs to rich college students and more carveouts to big business and big labor. He doesn‘t mind spending so much because he knows it‘s your money he‘s spending area, and the only thing Joe Biden needs to spend more of it is retirement.” she said as the crowd stayed silent before clapping lightly out of sympathy.


Twitter users said it reminded them of Jeb Bush’s cringeworthy “Please Clap” moment:

President Trump speaks tomorrow at the event, where we expect a much more enthusiastic crowd.