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WATCH: Florida Sheriff Goes Off On Gun Control Advocates During Heated Press Conference



A Florid sheriff slammed gun control advocates during a press conference held after three teenagers were killed in a shooting late last month.

After reporters attempted to exploit the deaths to help advocate for gun control, Marion County Sheriff Billy Woods erupted.

“There are individuals out there viewing, and includes some of you media, that want to blame the one thing that has no ability or the capacity to commit the crime itself, and that’s the gun. These individuals committed the crime.”

“All the gun laws we got in place didn’t prevent it did it! The bad guy’s gonna get a gun no matter what law you have put in place,” Woods said, after noting the suspects involved in the shooting are believed to have stolen the weapons during car burglaries.

“These juveniles shouldn’t even possess a handgun but they did,” the Florid sheriff added.


The three teenagers who died in the shootings knew the suspects involved and are believed to have been involved in robberies and burglaries, Woods said. They also were affiliated with gangs, despite not even being 18 years of age.

Sheriff Woods directed blame at society and the education system for not holding American teenagers accountable for their actions.

“I am a father. But here’s the one thing my boys know: growing up, the freaking barber had my permission to whip their a–es,” Woods said.

“A simple burglary, as some people would say — but I don’t consider anything ‘simple’ when it comes to a burglary — if the law allows me, I’ll plaster their face up … on my page, on media, I will hand it out if the law allows me because parents have the right to know who their kids are hanging out with and preventing this,” he added before calling on the nation to stop “minimizing the actions of” teenagers.

“Our school districts, not just here, across this state and across this nation need to stop minimizing the actions of their students. Hold them accountable. That’s where the failure is.”

The full press conference can be seen below: