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WATCH: Conservative Host Hilariously Mocks Democrat’s Unhinged Tirade, Refuses To Apologize



Blaze Media host Sara Gonzales responded in an incredibly apropos fashion to her online detractors who accused the host of racism last week when she criticized Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) for acting like what she characterized as a “hood rat,” comparing her antics and mannerisms to what one might find on an episode of Maury or Jerry Springer.

Gonzales used the opening monologue of her Blaze Media show The News and Why It Matters to address her critics and offer a distinct non-apology.


The host began, “Welcome to The News and Why it Matters I am Sarah Gonzalez and I regret to inform you that cancel culture has once again come for yours truly, and who knows this might be my last show. Yes, it happened over the weekend when a clip from one of my recent shows went viral as I reacted to Representative Jasmine Crockett who apparently mistook a Joe Biden impeachment inquiry hearing for a daytime reality TV show. And just so we’re on the same page here is the career-ending clip:”

She explained in the clip of her previous show, “Representative Jasmine Crockett who apparently is from the Dallas area and is extremely embarrassing I want to play a little snippet from her part of the impeachment Inquiry Hearing. Watch:”

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In the snippet, Crockett launches into a nearly incoherent diatribe saying,

“This looks like more evidence of our national secrets, two counts related to efforts to obstruct the vote certification proceedings, one count of conspiracy to violate civil rights, 23 counts related to forgery or false document statements, eight counts related to soliciting and I could go on because he’s got 91 counts pended right now.

But I will tell you what the president has been guilty of he has unfortunately been guilty of loving his child unconditionally and that is the only evidence that they have brought forward. and honestly I hope and pray that my parents love me half as much as he loves his child until they find some evidence we need to get back to the people’s work which means keeping this government open so that people don’t go hungry in the streets of the united states and I will yield.”

Gonzales criticized Crockett’s tone, mannerisms and comments paraphrasing her, “They be blind up in here!” Mimicking her head movement and body language. “That this is how little they respect… This is how little they respect I can get my head on a swivel too except if I was in Congress, I wouldn’t do it. I wouldn’t do it cuz it’s not professional! I don’t have those nails because I’m not a hood rat!”

The host then responded to the critics accusing her of racism, Ryan Shead in particular, who wrote on X, “Sara Gonzales of Texas is here to show America what being a racist piece of sh*t entails. Rep. Jasmine Crockett has a law degree. Calling her a “hoodrat” and comparing her to a Maury episode is ignorant at best. These are the women my wife has had to deal with her life. It makes me sick. If you think what Sarah did in this video is funny or accurate, f*k you and please unfollow me. Thanks! F*k you”

Gonzales addressed them directly,

“I just… I want to be clear: I’ve had a lot of time to reflect on the matter and on my word choice and I got to say after much reflection and many social media threats I just want to say I am so so incredibly sorry that we have women in congress acting like hood rats that I have to call out. I am so sorry leftists can constantly dish it out but can’t take it see they want to call you and me a domestic terrorist an extremist a racist a homophobe a transphobe all the phobes they want to call you a nazi a deplorable, they want to call you whatever they please but they’re butthole puckers at the word hood rat!

I am especially so sorry they continue electing unserious people and for the record I regret nothing cuz it doesn’t matter if you’re black, white or purple if you don’t want to be called a hood rat don’t act like one I hope that clears things up especially for you Ryan especially for you Ryan. Why do you look exactly like I knew you would?”