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WATCH: Jake Tapper Loses His Mind, Starts Screeching At J.D. Vance



Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance caused a full blown meltdown at CNN over the weekend, frequently triggering longtime network host Jake Tapper into emotional outbursts.

At one point in the interview, Tapper pointed to thoroughly debunked accusations from generals Mark Milley and John Kelly, both of whom have referred to the former president as a “fascist.” Accusations from Milley, who conspired with the Chinese government to “warn” them about Trump, and Kelly, who claimed Trump praised Hitler even though he continued to work for “Hitler” until he was fired, have been refuted by dozens of sources, including senior White House aides.

Still, CNN and other legacy media outlets continue to report on quotes from “anonymous sources” as if they have been verified. When asked about the story by Tapper, as well as anti-Trump statements made by Mike Pence and other establishment Republicans, Vance stated that Trump is a target because he is a threat to perpetual war and the military industrial complex.

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“So all those 10 people, including the former vice president, Mike Pence, all of these people are, have this horribly damaged worldview and they’re all just going after Donald Trump because they want to send people into war? That’s what, that’s really your argument?” Tapper asked. 

“Absolutely… absolutely, that’s my argument,” Vance replied without hesitation. Unsatisfied with the answer, the CNN host proceeded to start screaming and yelling, refusing to allow Vance to get a word in. “These are not conservative Republicans? All of these people? These aren’t conservative Republicans who are concerned about Donald Trump?” Tapper frantically shouted.

“Jake, they came into office thinking that they could control Donald Trump, then when he said he wanted peace in the world -,” Vance shot back before again being interrupted by Tapper.

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Elsewhere in the interview, Vance turned the tables on Tapper by pointing to the bogus “Russian collusion” hoax, which was breathlessly covered by CNN.

“Ask yourself a basic question about network integrity. You guys talked about the Russia hoax nonstop,” Vance said, to which Tapper replied “the FBI was investigating it.

“No, you took the words of unnamed FBI agents and put them on your network as if they were the gospel truth you did it again and again of your of your network would have believed that Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin conspired in 2016, now that was totally and preposterously false,” the Republican nominee followed up.

You covered it in a way that gave credence to anonymous sources, accusations. You did it yourself. Your network did it, Jake. But again, can we talk about the issues that Americans care most about?

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