WATCH: ‘Morning Joe’ Gets Interrupted By Hilarious Heckler Live On-Air, Hosts Melt Down
Joe Scarborough struggled fruitlessly on Friday morning to make the best out of a bad situation for one of his field reporters after he became trapped by a heckler while reporting on the Supreme Court’s immunity hearing.
The “Morning Joe” host had a mini meltdown while listening to his correspondent get drowned out by a man off-camera yelling “Fake news!” while explaining the potential for a “significant delay” that could occur in former President Donald Trump’s two federal trials if the court rules that further proceedings are needed.
Mika Brzezinski cut him off.
“Cam, just making sure you’re okay, we hear someone yelling,” she said before Scarborough took over and MSNBC producers muted the reporter’s microphone.
“I’ve gotta say, they’ve obviously been following the David Pecker testimony. They’re yelling fake news, and they obviously want viewers to know that Donald Trump’s lied about JFK’s assassination, tried to blame Ted Cruz… worked [with Pecker] to lie about Ben Carson, to lie about Hillary Clinton. Fake news all around!,” he sneered.
“So I want to thank him for actually framing it for us.”
Scarborough’s attempt to salvage the coverage capped the news cycle for anti-Trump forces.
The Supreme Court appears poised to grant at least part of President Trump’s request for presidential immunity and at the very least seems likely to require additional proceedings that could push both of his federal criminal trials past the November elections.
In Manhattan, Trump arrived at court in good spirits on Friday, wishing his wife Melania a happy birthday and praising his defense team for a “very good day” in court on Thursday.
“I think this trial is over,” Trump told reporters.
Legal observers on both the right and left have chastised District Attorney Alvin Bragg for characterizing the charges against Trump as related to election interference and downplaying the alleged obfuscation of business records to quiet a salacious sex scandal. Doing so may indicate that Bragg believes a jury is less likely to find something criminal about a monetary settlement involving an extramarital affair.
“There’s a risk for the prosecution because … a lot of this stuff is not criminal, and I disagree that some of this would be an in-kind campaign contribution because the Supreme Court’s holding in Citizens United did kind of move this outside of that,” former Trump attorney Tim Parlatore said according to the Daily Caller.
“So here’s the thing. I think juror attrition could be a real problem in this case,” Cevallos said during “Morning Joe”. “I mean, just do the math. Last week, we lost two jurors before the trial even began.”
“When you think about it, you do lose jurors during a trial. I’ve lost them. They fell asleep. They don’t follow the judge’s orders. But you don’t normally lose a juror after the moment they’re selected and between that and the time that the trial actually begins because, ordinarily, nothing happens during that time.”