WATCH: MTG Expertly Shuts Down MSM Reporter In Fiery Back-And-Forth
Conservative superstar Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) said what was on every MAGA mind after journalists began crying foul over President Donald Trump’s blanket pardons for J6 participants.
The Georgia congresswoman was walking the halls of power when a gadfly reporter saddled up to ask her whether those who were charged or convicted over acts of violence should have seen their sentences commuted. Greene quickly shuts down the interaction with a bored look and a sharp tongue.
“Is that all you really talk about, the J6ers who’ve been pardoned?” she asked the stunned female reporter, who mustered back a quick “yeah.”
“Okay, are you gonna talk about the Biden family that got pardoned?” MTG continued.
“I have been,” the reporter replied.
“Oh, well, what about the rapers and killers and murderers that Joe Biden pardoned. Is that a focus at all?” Greene got out before the reporter tried to direct her back to J6.
Greene’s outrage over the lack of coverage of Biden’s pardons is grounded in truth. In late January, the 46th president granted dozens of pardons, including for several individuals convicted of heinous crimes like murder and rape. Despite this, Biden wrote in his announcement that the former inmates had grown to become “respected members of their communities” since their time behind bars.
A heated war of words ensued between the two women.
“I know that’s what you’re asking about, but I’m not doing this,” said Greene as she won the battle. “This, this insane place up here, and all of y’all’s obsession with January 6th, is absurd. Everyone else out of here is sick and f***ing tired of it. I’m serious.”
“And so Joe Biden pardons all of these murderers and rapists and disgusting people, and then everybody up here has got their panties in a wad because J6ers got pardoned. A lot of them walked through open doors – that’s it!” she adds in the viral clip.
“Thank God, I hope they go live their lives and can reassemble something together, because they have suffered enough.”
MTG also drew attention to the many Antifa and Black Lives Matter protestors who rioted in the summer of 2020, only to see lenient judges slap them on the wrist with community service. “Over ninety-five percent of them, seriously,” she claimed. “Go do a story on all of these cities that BLM burned to the ground and then never built back.”
For over three minutes, Greene continues to school the reporter on familiarizing herself with the grievances conservatives have felt over the mainstream media’s coverage of J6. President Trump acknowledged the widespread sentiment on Monday when he moved to immediately pardon over 1,500 individuals who have served time or were in the middle of fighting their charges as he took office.
“This is a big one,” Trump said in the Oval Office while signing their freedoms into law, adding, “We hope they come out tonight, frankly.”