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WATCH: Rep. Omar Says It’s A “Threat To National Security” To Oust Her From Committee Assignments



On Wednesday, far-left Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar melted down during a press conference after being stripped of her committee’s by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. During her meltdown, she bizarrely claimed that removing her from these committees’ is a “threat to national security”. Yes, really.

“In modern American history, the punishment of stripping member of Congress of their committee assignments has been reserved for only the most egregious wrongdoings: Those convicted or indicted on corruption, those who have engaged in bribery, sexual misconduct, encouraged violence, or other grave charges,” she said, melting down.

“Kevin McCarthy⁩‘s purely partisan move to strip us from our committee is not only a political stunt, but also a blow to the integrity of our democratic institutions, and a threat to our national security,” she falsely stated. “We are thankful to leader Jeffries and house Democrats and even some creatures Republicans for standing with us if McCarthy wants to denigrate the integrity of the house and it’s committees, we will always stand up to these efforts,” she concluded.


If you thought Rep. Omar was the only one losing it over Kevin McCarthy’s decision, think again. Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff threw their pity parties as well. Schiff went so far as to threaten revenge upon McCarthy.

“Kevin McCarthy just kicked me and Rep. Swalwell off the Intelligence Committee. This is petty, political payback for investigating Donald Trump,” Schiff tweeted. “If he thinks this will stop me, he will soon find out just how wrong he is. I will always defend our democracy.”

Is that a threat?

Swallwell responded to the news saying that McCarthy will “regret” this decision:

In case you missed it, McCarthy went scorched earth on the three Democratic Reps last night. WATCH:

“What did Adam Schiff do as the chairman of the Intel committee? What Adam Schiff did is use his power at the chairman and lied to the American public,” McCarthy began. “When Devon Nunes put out a memo, he [Schiff] said it was false. When we had a laptop, he [Schiff] used it before the election to be politics and say that it was false, he said it was the Russians when he knew different,” he said.

“If you talked to John Radcliffe, DNI, he came out ahead of time and said there’s no Intel to prove that, and he used his position as chairman knowing he has information the rest America does not, and lied to the American public. When a whistleblower came forward he said he did not know the individual even though his staff had met with him and set it up. So no, he does not have a right to sit on that, but I will not be like Democrats and play politics with these…where they remove Republicans from committees and all committee’s. So yes, he can serve on a committee, but he will not serve on intel because it goes to the national security of America and I will always put them first,” he concluded.