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WATCH: Rep. Troy Nehls SHREDS Paul Ryan After Fox Appearance: ‘You’re A Piece Of Garbage’



Republican Congressman Troy Nehls (R-TX) eviscerated Paul Ryan after the former GOP leader went on Fox News to criticize former President Donald Trump and announce he would not be voting for his party’s presidential nominee in November.

Ryan is “a piece of garbage” for targeting Trump just as the Republican leader continues to mount sizable leads over President Joe Biden in major polls, Nehls claimed. “You’re a piece of garbage. You’re a piece of garbage, and we should kick you out of the party,” the Texas congressman said. “For Paul Ryan to say he’s not voting for Donald Trump, that’s the problem with some of our Republicans. It’s guys like that. Don’t go spouting your mouth off and saying you’re a conservative.”

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Appearing on Fox Wednesday, Ryan – who sits on the network’s board of directors – was directly told by host Neil Cavuto that his viewers “do not like you.” Asked for his thoughts, the Ohio Republican said he doesn’t spend much time thinking about his critics. “I say I’ve been in politics a long time. I have really thick skin. I don’t think about that. I literally don’t think about it, no.” Asked if the Fox News owner ever raises the issue of Ryan’s lack of popularity, he laughed and replied, “No.”

After rising in the Tea Party movement and running as Mitt Romney’s vice presidential counterpart in the 2012 election, Ryan went on to serve as House Speaker where he opposed the agenda of former President Barack Obama before crossing swords with Trump. The two ultimately had a falling out that led Ryan to brand some of Trump’s remarks at the time “racist” while Trump complained Ryan was insufficiently subservient to his agenda.

It’s clear that Trump backers like Rep. Nehls, who arrived in Congress two years after Ryan departed, still haven’t forgotten about Ryan’s past, to say nothing of his present criticism. “You’re spitting in the face of the leader of our party, Donald Trump. I mean grow up a little bit,” he added.


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Ryan’s selection by Romney at the time was meant to satiate conservatives who felt the former Massachusetts governor was too moderate to serve as the party’s nominee against Obama. Ryan, a self-described libertarian fan of Ayn Rand, ultimately found himself shunned and outgunned by a populist MAGA movement that prioritized bombastic leadership and culture war flashpoints over the bread-and-butter small government issues he championed.

“Rupert Murdoch should fire pathetic RINO Paul Ryan from the Board of Fox,” Trump posted on Truth Social in May, according to the Daily Caller. “Ryan is a loser, always has been, and always will be. He was the WEAKEST & MOST INCOMPETENT Speaker of the House in its History. Fox will sink to the absolute bottom of the pack if Paul Ryan has anything to do with it!”

“I’m an old Jack Kemp guy that believes strongly in inclusive, aspirational politics that are based on bringing people together and not exploiting divisions,” Ryan told Politico upon his retirement in 2019. “With identity politics being played all around and 21st-century technology accelerating it, and putting gas on the fire — that is my big concern of politics these days. And that makes it harder to have political goodwill in this country because of all this polarization.”

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