When will the US stop flooding Ukraine with arms and money? According to Biden National Security spokesman John Kirby, spokesman, he “doesn’t know”.
That comment came during an interview on “Fox News Sunday.” FNC host Shannon Bream brought up the matter by asking him when the aid packages would end, saying:
“Despite the question that’s being asked increasingly on Capitol Hill, and there’s gonna be another fight over another round of aid, we’re about $200 billion into this so far. There are questions about where the US commitment ends to this. I mean, we had a couple of lawmakers just return and say they, Congressman Garamendi was one of them, who said, ‘I think this is a year from now, I’m going to be still going on this exact same war.'”
Kirby, in response, said “We don’t know. Again, we would like to see it in now. And certainly we want to see it on ends and on terms that are satisfactory to the Ukrainian people and to President Solinsky, so that they remain a whole free sovereign, independent state. And independence is an ideal that all Americans can get behind and understand. We’d like it to end soon as soon as possible. My goodness, nobody wants to be sitting here a year from now talking about the second anniversary of war. But as the President has said, Shannon, we’re going to support Ukraine for as long as it takes and he means that as long as it takes”
Watch that here:
Biden Spokesman John Kirby “doesn’t know” when we’re going to stop sending taxpayer dollars to Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/QurKZoyziT
— Clayton Keirns (@CKeirns) February 19, 2023
Kirby’s non-committal response on aid and its sell-by date comes alongside his recent claim that the Russians would soon launch another offensive. Here’s what he said just a few weeks ago:
“We do expect that when the weather improves, the Russians will try to make additional offensive moves anywhere along that front,” he said, noting that the US is trying to help the Ukrainians prepare for that. We’re working in lock step with the Ukrainians almost every day. And we communicate constantly with Ukraine about their needs for the fight.”
So the war is heating up and the United States and NATO are more deeply involved in the conflict than ever, with no end in sight. Unmentioned by Kirby was whether risking World War II with the continued provision of aid to an enemy on Russia’s borders was worth it.
Kirby did, however, say that Biden has no plans to visit Ukraine during his trip to Poland. That came during MSNBC’s “The Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart.” Speaking to Capehart about that, Kirby said:
“We obviously are maintaining a high degree of solidarity with the Ukrainian people. The United States leads the world in terms of contributions, whether it’s humanitarian assistance or military weapons to Ukraine, and we’re going to continue to use our convening power, to marshall the world, to galvanize support for Ukraine, but there are no plans for the president to enter Ukraine on this trip.”
"There are no plans for the President to enter into Ukraine on this particular trip." National Security Council spokesman John Kirby tells @CapehartJ about the President's trip to Eastern Europe #SundayShow pic.twitter.com/6TzHWhm2tb
— The Saturday/Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart (@weekendcapehart) February 19, 2023
By: Will Tanner. Follow me on Twitter @Will_Tanner_1
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