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WATCH: Undercover Clip Shows Fetterman Staffer Admitting Senator Wants To Overturn 2A



Undercover conservative journalist James O’Keefe has struck again, this time getting a staffer to newly seated U.S. Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) to admit that his boss supports overturning the Second Amendment.

In a video clip shared Wednesday morning, Luke Borwegan, a “special assistant” to the senator, bragged about controlling “puppet” journalists who will “paint the narrative that we want,” adding that his boss is “okay with overturning the 2nd Amendment.”


Later in the clip, Borwegan praises the senator’s press team as a “work of art,” saying, “we can go tell reporters to f*** themselves and they can’t do anything because they need us more than we need them, because everyone wants a story about John Fetterman.”

The staffer cited an instance where his office gave one reporter an exclusive interview with Sen. Fetterman shortly before he checked himself into a hospital for depression.

An undercover reporter for O’Keefe’s new outfit, the O’Keefe Media Group, pressed Borwegan about where the senator stands on gun control. “He’s 100 percent for gun control. Red flags, banning automatic rifles, all that s***,” said Borwegan. “He would probably be OK with overturning the Second Amendment. I think he would prefer, like, nobody has guns at all.”

First elected in 2022, Senator Fetterman emerged victorious after a contentious battle with Republican candidate Mehmet Oz during a campaign that saw gun-rights groups target the Democrat for his positions on assault weapons bans, universal background checks, and other anti-gun positions that have been longtime priorities for Democrats. On the trail, Fetterman cited an instance where he pointed his shotgun at an assailant until police arrived, saying “I may have broken a few laws during the course” of the encounter.