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“WE GOT OUR SPY BACK”; Ex-Kremlin Aide Celebrates Big Victory For Russia After Biden Gets Played By Putin



Former Putin aide Sergei Markov wrote a blistering series of Telegram messages on Thursday celebrating how Putin “outplayed” Biden in the prisoner swap that brought Brittney Griner back to the US in exchange for Viktor Bout, who government officials have called “one of the most dangerous men on the face of the earth”.

“Putin outplayed Biden,” Markov wrote on Telegram.

We got back our spy, it seems, and gave away a normal girl,” he continued.

Markov continued his series of posts with a chilling message, saying that nobody should be “hopeful” that this is a step forward in relations between Russia and the US. He further claimed that a motivating factor for Biden saving Griner was so he wouldn’t be blamed if she ended up dying in prison.

“Now there are hopes that the exchange of Bout for Griner might be a step toward improving relations between Russia and the United States. Let go of those hopes. The exchange shows, on the contrary, a trend towards a deterioration of relations between Russia and the US in the near future,” he said.

“Why did the U.S. go for a clearly disadvantageous exchange? Because Biden knows that relations will worsen and fears that this will result in the massacre of US citizens in Russian prisons and that Griner’s death will be pinned on him before the election,” he concluded.

In case you were wondering just how badly Biden got played, consider the comments from former on 60 minutes. He called Bout “one of the most dangerous men on the face of the earth”.

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It appears that the only people who think the United States “won” in this exchange is Biden and those who blindly support him.

Here’s how many reacted on Twitter to this terrible exchange:

In August, Breitbart detailed just how lethal this man is:

Nicknamed the “’of Death,’ Bout is a flamboyant arms dealer in his mid-50s with Russian military training. He became a billionaire by raiding the armories of the collapsing Soviet Union in the early 90s and using old Soviet cargo planes to transport his black-market weapons to conflict zones around the world.

Bout’s criminal genius has been hailed by every international law enforcement agency that went after him. He was smart enough to mix his weapons shipments with more legitimate cargoes, posturing as a humanitarian who just wanted to sell cheap food to starving Africans. Meanwhile, he was selling guns to every bad actor from al-Qaeda and Hezbollah, to both the Taliban and its enemies in Afghanistan.

Bout was bagged in Thailand in 2008 while trying to sell weapons to Colombian terrorists who were actually CIA agents in disguise. He was not just selling his murderous Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) customers a few pistols — the deal included “800 surface-to-air missiles (SAMs), 30,000 AK-47 firearms, 10 million rounds of ammunition, five tons of C-4 plastic explosives, ‘ultralight’ airplanes outfitted with grenade launchers and unmanned aerial vehicles.’

Russia re-gained one of their top assets while the United States received a woman who has constantly criticized the very country she was born in. There’s no other way to put it.