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Wild: Trump-Backed Herschel Walker Finds Common Cause with Pelosi Over Taiwan Trip



Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s now-probable trip to Taiwan, the Republic of China, has led to a bit of a glitch in the matrix, with conservative China hawks unexpectedly edging into Pelosi’s corner, on this issue at least, as the Deep State commentariat freaks out over her not playing nice with Red China and backing down to its demands.

GOP Senator Ben Sasse, for example, cheered her trip as an opportunity to stand up to the Red Chinese, saying:

“Speaker Pelosi should go to Taiwan and President Biden should make it abundantly clear to Chairman Xi that there’s not a damn thing the Chinese Communist Party can do about it. No more feebleness and self-deterrence. This is very simple: Taiwan is an ally and the speaker of the House of Representatives should meet with the Taiwanese men and women who stare down the threat of Communist China.”

And it wasn’t just middle-of-the-road types like Senator Sasse, himself a never-Trumper, that signaled their support for Pelosi. Trump-backed Herschel Walker, the GOP candidate for Georgia’s Senate seat, somewhat surprisingly backed Pelosi as well, saying:

“What a day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Speaker Pelosi, you should go to Taiwan. It will send the signal to the world that we’re going to stand up to China.

“Because if you back down, everyone will look at us as weak and it will send a signal to China that they can invade Taiwan. If need be, Speaker Pelosi, I will take you to Taiwan myself, because I know what it means to stand up to tough opponents. God bless.”

Red China, meanwhile, has taken a page from the strategy book of North Korea, its client, and decided to try and stave off her visit to the Republic of China with unhinged rhetoric and threats of war.

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In one statement, for example, the Red Chinese saidChina will take resolute and strong measures to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity. As for what measures exactly we will take, let’s wait and see if she dares making the visit.”

Similarly, a media personality from China’s state-affiliated press warned that Pelosi’s trip could lead to war, saying:

Let her go to Taiwan. But pray before departure: wish herself a safe journey and wish herself not be defined by history as a sinner who starts a spiral of escalation process expanding military frictions to a large-scale war in the Taiwan Strait.

The same personality also suggested that Pelosi’s plane should be shot down, saying:

If US fighter jets escort Pelosi’s plane into Taiwan, it is invasion.

“The PLA has the right to forcibly dispel Pelosi’s plane and the US fighter jets, including firing warning shots and making tactical movement of obstruction. If ineffective, then shoot them down.

Unreported so far, however, is whether Pelosi’s husband bought any shorts on the stock market before Pelosi’s trip in the hope of making up for the losses taken after his big bet on semi-conductors was found out.

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