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Women of the View Desperately Blame NBC Reporter for John Fetterman’s Inability To Speak Coherently



The John Fetterman versus Dr Oz race in Pennsylvania is heating up, and shaping up to be one of the most important races outside of Pennsylvania. Accordingly, leftists high and low are doing everything in their power to cover for John Fetterman and his inability to speak and process simple sentences.

Fetterman had a stroke and his inability to make small talk and answer auditory questions has been raised as well it should be. Someone in the Senate needs to be able to debate, speak, and communicate with their constituency. If you can’t you simply shouldn’t have the job. It’s not mean or even partisan to say so. If you are mildly brain damaged as Fetterman is, you can’t be a Senator. Of course since the Dems aren’t noted for the quality of their choices when it comes to political candidates, they now have to go into defense mode to desperately save Fetterman as the midterms near. After a particularly disastrous interview with an NBC reporter, the geniuses from The View chimed in as only the could. Check this out.

The hosts of The View attempted to reverse the recent coverage of senatorial candidate John Fetterman (D-PA) on Thursday’s episode.

Whoopi Goldberg and Sunny Hostin turned their attention to NBC’s Dasha Burns, who interviewed Fetterman and claimed it was difficult for him to understand small talk. Burns was the first to interview Fetterman in-person on television. Hostin claimed it was “inappropriate” for Burns to comment on his competence at all.

“Maybe she’s bad at small talk,” Goldberg said. “Maybe it was her.”

Only an intellectual heavyweight like Whoopi could make such a nonsensical claim. We know factually that John Fetterman has auditory processing issues. That is fact. That is also why he hasn’t debated Oz yet. That is also why his interview questions have to be asked via a computer. Let that sink in. Fetterman can’t listen to a question and give an answer, he has to read it to understand, yet the Democrats want to make him a policy maker. I’m sorry, but if you can’t understand speech, you can’t be a United States Senator. Why is that so hard to understand?

woke bishop

Goldberg, for her part wasn’t even making a new argument. As usual she lacks any original thought.

Goldberg was inadvertently paraphrasing the same argument made by Kara Swisher of the New York Times. Swisher similarly decided that Burns is “just bad at small talk” and that her reporting is “nonsense.”

Sunni Hostin and her single digit IQ also chimed in.

“I don’t know about everybody else, but I love closed captions. I watch all my series [with] closed captions because I can’t sometimes understand the accents that people are using. And I don’t understand things,” Hostin said. “And it’s very helpful in terms of processing. And I don’t have a cognitive disorder.”

I suspect that’s because Sunni Hostin is a moron. She doesn’t have auditory issues, she is just dumb. If you have ever watched The View (why), then you know we aren’t talking about mental heavyweights here.

Fetterman still slurred some words during his interview ahead of his battle against Mehmet Oz for the open Senate seat in the Keystone State, with a single debate between the two candidates scheduled for Oct. 25 in Harrisburg.

It’s shameful that the Democrats are using a brain damaged stroke victim as the face of their party in Pennsylvania, but they are also using a dementia ridden old man in Washington, so nothing the Dems do should be surprising. After Oz embarrasses Fetterman on the debate stage, this issue should be put to rest, however if the people of Pennsylvania still decide John Fetterman is the best candidate, they get what they deserve.