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“Worst of Both Worlds”: Sen. Tom Cotton Exposes the Utter Failure of Biden’s Saudi Arabia “Strategy”



Sen. Tom Cotton launched a blistering attack on how Biden has handled Saudi Arabia and Saudi Crown Prince MBS in a recent appearance on Fox News Channel’s “America Reports”, saying that by trying to turn Saudi Arabia into a pariah state and then begging it for help with the gas price crisis Biden has created a situation that is the “worst of both worlds.”

Senator Cotton began his attack on how Biden and his administration have acted by using the example of FDR’s World War II diplomacy to show that dealing with unsavory people like MBS is sometimes necessary for keeping the American people safe and America prosperous, saying:

It also kind of creates the worst of both worlds. Joe Biden should have never ostracized Saudi Arabia and Mohammed bin Salman. That country has been a partner of ours for 80 years, and a dozen presidents going back to Franklin Delano Roosevelt found a way to work with their leaders to help provide safety and prosperity to the American people. That’s what Joe Biden should have been doing from the very beginning.

Continuing, Cotton then exposed the absurdity of what Biden has so far done, ripping him for trying to turn Saudi Arabia into a pariah state and then, once the gas price crisis became more severe, started begging them for help while still antagonizing them. In Cotton’s words:

But by going down this path, by calling it a pariah state and saying that he wouldn’t meet with the crown prince, the de facto day-to-day ruler of Saudi Arabia, he only probably antagonizes the Saudis more, and then he still turns around and meets with them when he is there.

Ending his attack, Cotton then reemphasized the “realist” nature in which he thinks Biden should act, emphasizing that dealing with them reasonably would be far better for the American people and their allies than needlessly antagonizing the Saudis on the basis of murky principles. As Cotton put it:

He should just say, as a dozen presidents for 80 years have said, that Saudi Arabia is an important partner of the United States. It’s an important force for stability with our other friends to include Israel in a region when Iran is threatening us all and trying to work with them to defend the interests of the American people.

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Cotton also appeared on Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade’s program to emphasize that Biden and Obama frayed our relationships with such partners as Saudi Arabia.

Biden might feel better about the stance of the United States when he attacks unsavory characters like MBS for not living up to American standards of decency or fair play. But such a stance has landed us in this crisis and made it harder to deal with nations like Saudi Arabia that are traditional allies of ours and could prove helpful.

Though it’s doubtful that he will, it seems that Biden should take Cotton’s advice and start dealing with the Saudis and those like them in a “realist” way.

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