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WOW: Father of Seven Raided by Biden’s FBI Pledges Brave Defiance to DOJ, Vows to Keep Fighting for His Pro-Life Views



Mark Houck is the pro-life father of seven whose home was just raided by an FBI SWAT team of between 20 and 30 agents that arrived with guns drawn and carted him off to prison while leaving his family traumatized and terrorized. The arrest happened because of an altercation Houck got in with a pro-abortion advocate outside an abortion clinic, with the pro-abortion protester shouting at and threatening his son and Houck responding by pushing the protester. That, at least, is the narrative of events as reported by conservative-leaning sources like the Daily Wire.

The DOJ, in its narrative of what happened, claimed that:

United States Attorney Jacqueline C. Romero announced that Mark Houck, 48, of Kintnersville, PA, was charged by Indictment with a violation of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, which makes it a federal crime to use force with the intent to injure, intimidate, and interfere with anyone because that person is a provider of reproductive health care…

According to court documents, the defendant is alleged to have twice assaulted a man because he was a volunteer reproductive health care clinic escort. The charges stem from two separate incidents both on October 13, 2021, which occurred at the Planned Parenthood Elizabeth Blackwell Health Center on Locust Street in Philadelphia, where Houck allegedly assaulted the victim, a 72-year-old man, identified in the Indictment as “B.L.,”…

The incident cited by both the Daily Wire and the DOJ is one that a federal judge in Philadelphia threw out the case when the man he sued attempted to press charges regarding the incident.

Well, Houck and his family have so far responded with defiance to the DOJ and pledged to fight back, with his Give Send Go page saying (empahsis ours):

At 7am on Friday, September 23, 20 SWAT team members burst into the home of Mark Houck, founder of The King’s Men – an organization that forms men to act as leaders and protectors in their families and communities, especially in the fight to end abortion. These agents had guns drawn and shields up in the faces of Mark, his wife, and their seven young children. Mark was handcuffed in front of his family and arrested.

woke bishop

Mark’s “crime” was protecting his son from an aggressive Planned Parenthood escort in downtown Philadelphia.

Last year, Mark and his son were praying in front of the PP at 12th and Locust. When one of the escorts began harassing Mark’s son they walked down the street away from the entrance to the building. The escort followed them, and when he continued yelling at Mark’s son, Mark pushed him away.

It’s all on video.

But that hasn’t stopped Planned Parenthood and the Biden Administration. With no prior warning, and in spite of the fact that Mark is represented by an attorney, Biden’s Justice Department sent a fully armed SWAT team into a home full of young children at daybreak, to arrest a father for protecting his son.

Planned Parenthood and its pro-abortion allies want to send a message of fear to the pro-life community of Pennsylvania. But we have a different message to share:

We will not back down, we will not stop fighting to protect the lives of Pennsylvania’s unborn children, and we WILL NOT TOLERATE the harassment of our leaders by a corrupt and politicized justice system.

Please help us now by supporting the Houck family with a donation of any amount. The next few days and weeks are unclear. Funds raised through this campaign will go to help the family with any necessary expenses.

So Houck isn’t backing down, nor is he apologizing. Rather, he’s responding with defiance to the FBI and DOJ, attempting to use his case to highlight what many on the right allege is political bias at the agency.

As of the time of this article, Houck’s Give Send Go has raised $ 239,261 of a $250,000 goal to pay for his legal expenses.
