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WOW: Japan Makes Surprisingly Sane Energy Move as Heat Wave Hits Nation



Right now, many areas of the world are being hit with a massive heat wave that is straining power grids that have been “modernized” with “green” energy like solar power and wind energy that might make leftists and greens feel better but are less than useful when it’s cloudy or the wind isn’t blowing.

One such nation hit by the heat wave is Japan, where officials have had to ask citizens to reduce their power expenditure while the struggling grid tries to keep up, as Kyodo News reports, saying:

Japan continued Tuesday to face concerns over a power crunch, with households and businesses in Tokyo being asked again by the government to reduce electricity consumption in response to a spike in demand driven by high temperatures and infrastructure issues.

An advisory which has urged people in Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.’s service area to take reasonable energy-saving steps will be extended Wednesday for the third straight day as power supply is expected to remain tight.

However, while other nations dealing with similar issues, such as those in Europe, remain committed to delusion power plans connected to green energy, Japan has taken the surprisingly (given the green mania gripping the world) sane step of instead focusing on highly reliable nuclear power, pledging to increase power capacity to the point that the grid will be able to keep pace with the needs of those using it.

Industry Minister Koichi Hagiuda announced as much in a statement recently, saying:

We would like to ensure the operation of a maximum of nine reactors, up from the current five operating now, by revising the construction and inspection periods for some of the nuclear power plants.

The same minister also said that “[I]t is ‘important’ that Japan restarts its nuclear power stations to ensure it can meet energy requirements,” a clear indication that Japan intends on doing what works as it seeks to resolve its potential energy shortfall.

Similarly, Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio said, during a July 14th press conference about the energy situation and what is being done to resolve it:

We are aiming to put as many nuclear reactors as possible online. We will have up to nine reactors operating this winter to secure enough sources of energy to cover about 10 percent of Japan’s overall power consumption.”

Japanese public opinion, according to Reuters, turned against nuclear power following the Fukushima nuclear power plant meltdown.

However, public opinion has again shifted due to the rising cost of fuel, and thus energy, that has hit the country as temperatures rise and more power is needed to keep people cool, a problem that could return when winter temperatures mean a large amount of fuel is then needed to keep people warm.

Perhaps other nations can learn from Japan and take another look at nuclear power as the Russian response to Western sanctions shows the fragile nature of fuel supply lines and green energy proves itself unable to make up for the shortfall, particularly when forces of nature mean more energy than normal is required.

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