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WOW: Woke Show Host Faces Devastating Audience Loss after Anti-Trump Diatribes



Jimmy Kimmel, host of a late-night show called “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” is yet another name in the long list of public figures broken on the wheel of Trump, ground beneath the power of the “bad orange man” and his following.

Only this time, Trump was barely involved: Kimmel attacked him and kept attacking him, but the attacks bounced off Trump and rebounded on Kimmel, who lost half of his audience following his continual, anti-Trump diatribes on “Jimmy Kimmel Live.”

Kimmel said as much during an appearance on the Naked Lunch Podcast, saying that while he used to be a popular figure among even Republicans and was their favorite talk show host, now about half his fans have left him. In his words:

“I have lost half of my fans – maybe more than that. “

“Ten years ago among Republicans, I was the most popular talk show host.”

Apparently, things got so bad and he was so hopelessly out of touch with his viewers that even ABC producers and other hosts on the network had to warn him about what was happening, saying that he would lose his audience if he kept up the anti-Trump routine and warned him to back off. Kimmel, recounting speaking with those telling him to back off, said:

“I just said, ‘if that’s what you want to do, I understand and I don’t begrudge you for it, but I’m not going to do that.”

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“If you want somebody else to host the show, then that’s fine. That’s okay with me. I’m just not going to do it like that [neutrally].

“I couldn’t live with myself [otherwise].”

Kimmel, of course, feels like a hero for sacrificing his ratings to launch fruitless verbal attacks on the former president, saying “there’s a sacrifice you make when it comes to your audience and you could do pretty well if you stayed down the middle.”

Over the last few years, Kimmel’s show has shot downward in ratings for a few years now, just like other late-night shows. And he’s just as delusional as the other leftists too, saying that he thinks Trump will be going to jail:

 “I want to be on the air when Donald Trump goes to jail. I still believe, even after living through the O.J. trial. That justice triumphs in America and I know there are a billion different examples to the contrary. [But] how can you commit this many crimes and be this unethical and be this terrible and get away with it?”

Kimmel said in 2019 that he feels that this is a moral obligation for him, to speak out against Donald Trump.

“You watch the news all day, you see what’s going on, how do you walk on stage and ignore it? It just doesn’t work anymore. I wish I could. It’s hard for me to talk about serious subjects. It takes a lot out of me. I do want to be funny. That’s fun. It’s not fun doing anything like that.”
