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Wray to Resign? Hannity Highlights Huge News from FBI Whistleblowers



Many had high hopes for FBI Director Christopher Wray when he took over that agency, thinking that because of his past career in both the FBI and private sector he would do a good job of running the FBI efficiently and effectively while also knowing how it worked and being plugged into how DC operates.

Well that might have been right, as Wray certainly understands the power centers in DC, has flowed with the times to remain in his position despite Biden taking over, and has wielded the FBI like a rapier. But what was missed is that he’s also apparently a swamp creature, as under his watch that well-wielded FBI has been used not against crackhead influence peddlers like Hunter Biden or brick-throwing, window-smashing Antifa rioters, but instead against those that fly the Gadsden flag, those that detest school boards that push wokeness on their kids, and, of course, President Trump.

Now, however, with the recent Mar-a-Lago raid, Wray and his fellow political hacks at the top of the agency might have gone too far, as rumors are swirling that the FBI agents that actually do the work are agitating for him resign because of how the agency has operated under his watch recently.

Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity discussed those swirling rumors of Wray’s imminent end on his show yesterday, saying:

Rank and file FBI whistleblower coming forward, many saying Director Wray has lost control of the agency and needs to resign, according to Washington Times. whistleblower claims include allegations of bias, signing false affidavits, and, according to my sources who I spoke to within the last hour, directly involved with the whistleblowers, there are now 20 confirmed whistleblowers that have come forward and according to their attorney, hearing from FBI personnel they feel like the director has lost control of the bureau and they are saying ‘how does this guy survive?’ He’s leaving, he’s got to leave.”

So Wray might soon be gone, which is good except that it means Biden will find a replacement for him, someone would likely be much worse.

Both Trump and his lawyer praised those FBI agents who leaked the information about the uprising against Wray breaking out within the FBI, with his lawyer, who was speaking to Hannity on the issue when the whistleblower claims were being discussed, saying:

free hat

Evidently that is the policy, Sean, that is called interference with law-abiding citizens. I’m proud of the whistleblowers and the president is incredibly proud of people that took their oath seriously. The fact they are coming forward and saying there is something wrong with what is happening in the FBI and the fact they believe in the Constitution and the oath they took to defend it and being law-abiding, I commend them and encourage them to come forward. Many before them have done so and it is critical for our country, especially in this partisan crazy world we’re living in.

Indeed. And it also is important in that it shines light on the inner workings of the agency, showing that not everyone there is a Deep State hack hoping to persecute Trump.

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