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Wyoming GOP sends message to Liz Cheney, votes to no longer recognize lawmaker as Republican



Wyoming’s GOP has voted to no longer recognize Rep. Liz Cheney as part of the Republican Party.

Cheney has constantly criticized former President Donald Trump and was one of the 10 Republicans who supported impeachment by voting to proceed with it against Trump. That took place in January after the incident at the Capitol on January 6.

Cheney has often been criticized by other Republicans and supporters of the GOP in general. Many suggested that she is a RINO, which means Republican in name only.

“The 31-29 vote Saturday in Buffalo, Wyoming, by the state party central committee followed votes by local GOP officials in about one-third of Wyoming’s 23 counties to no longer recognize Cheney as a Republican.” (USA Today)

Cheney has recently referred to Donald Trump as a ‘domestic threat.’

This is the second action that Wyoming’s Republican Party have taken against Cheney. They previously voted to censure her after her vote to impeach Donald Trump.

It should be stated that despite the two actions against Cheney, she does not lose any of her political power as a lawmaker and her party affiliation has not officially changed.