YIKES: Far-Left “The View” Host Viciously Attacks Queen Elizabeth II [WATCH]
In yet another example of why ABC’s “The View” needs to go, one of the co-hosts of that collection of clucking hens, Sunny Hostin, launched a vicious, mean-hearted attack on the recently departed queen.
What should have been a kind comment about a woman who managed to keep the throne intact and monarchy mostly respected for decades turned into a diatribe about racism and the evils of empire. Watch that here:
As you can hear in the video, Hostin, ranting and raving about the Queen, the British Empire, and “racism,” said that while she lived in Great Britain she got caught up in the “pomp” of the monarchy but is now a detractor of it, saying::
“Because if you really think about what the monarchy was built on, it was built on the backs of black and brown people.”
Umm, no. The British Empire was built on the back of the steam engine, the Martini-Henry rifle, the Maxim gun, quinine, the telegram, and the railroad. Those “black and brown” people were the subjects of the crown abroad that benefitted tremendously from it. Thanks to the Brits, they saw slavery eradicated, education and medical resources come to their communities, and stable rule of law established out of anarchy.
But Hostin didn’t recognize any of that. Instead, she continued her blistering attack on the dearly departed queen by attacking her crown, saying:
“She [the Queen] wore a crown with pillaged stones from India and Africa. And now what you’re seeing, at least in the Black communities that I’m a part of, they want reparations.”
Ah, so it’s a moneygrab for those that can’t achieve on their own. Got it.
Continuing, Hostin went on to call for Charles III to start “modernizing” the monarchy, whatever that means, saying:
“It’s time for him to modernize this monarchy and for him to provide reparations to all of to those colonies. And I also think, you know, a monarchy, it’s very easy to uplift one family. The harder thing is to uplift all families and I think he’s in a position to be able to do that.”
“See this sacred institution that’s existed in its present form for centuries? Well you need to demolish it so that American blacks and pot-smoking junkies in Jamacia are less angry with you for half a second,” she might as well have said.
Hostin’s vicious remarks about Elizabeth II and the monarchy were a response to and even more vicious tweet from a black professor at Carnegie Mellon, Uju Anya, who tweeted out:
“the chief monarch of a thieving raping genocidal empire is finally dying. May her pain be excruciating.”
What horrible people. The left truly is full of bitter, angry shrews that seek to tear down what they know they could never dream of building if left to their own devices and not helped out by those with kinder hearts and bigger brains.
By: TheAmericanTribune.com, editor of TheAmericanTribune.com. Follow me on Facebook and Subscribe to My Email List