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YIKES: Rubio Staffer Savagely Attacked While Wearing Rubio Shirt, DeSantis Hat



Two nights ago, one of Senator Marco Rubio’s young staffers was viciously attacked while canvassing in Hialeah, Florida, a mainly Cuban town in the Miami vicinity.  Senator Marco Rubio announced the vicious attack on the staffer in a tweet, saying:

Last night one of our canvassers wearing my T-shirt and a Desantis hat was brutally attacked by 4 animals who told him Republicans weren’t allowed in their neighborhood in #Hialeah #Florida

He suffered internal bleeding, a broken jaw & will need facial reconstructive surgery

View that and the images Rubio shared of the injured staffer here (warning:  the images contain graphic content):

And so the party of tolerance is at it again, reverting to its 2020 attitude and getting violent to express its displeasure with something. In case you needed yet another example, the Hialeah attack on the Rubio staffer is just another demonstration of the sad fact that in our supposedly free country you can’t openly express your political beliefs in urban areas without the possibility of violent thugs attacking you.

And it’s no wonder that the left is getting violent again: this attack followed shortly after Joe Biden’s now infamous “semi-fascist” speech in which he called Republicans threats to “our” democracy.

free hat

But while Biden has dialed the animosity up to 11 in between watching “his programs” and eating Jello, many politicians on Twitter expressed horror about what happened to the Rubio staffer.

U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, for example, wrote, “This is horrible.”

Similarly, Rep. Anna V. Eskami said, “No matter one’s political party, no one should ever face violence. This sets a scary tone for anyone who is canvassing, too. I hope he recovers quickly and I wish safety to everyone.

The horrendously violent left strikes again. This is awful,” stated Fox News Channel personality Mark Levin, saying what we’re all thinking about the violent left.

Now, showing that all hope isn’t lost for the continued, peaceful resolution of political debates in America, there were some democrats who came out and condemned this horrific act, demonstrating some semblance of bipartisan agreement that political violence should never be tolerated. But not all on the left did so.

Miami Against Fascism, a local chapter of the far-left violent Antifa organization, called the attacked staffer a Nazi, justifying the vicious attack on him:

But while the violent left goes berserk, the right is pushing back, to some extent at least, and calling out the violent left. Conservative commentator Todd Starnes tweeted, for example, “The blood of that Rubio volunteer is on Joe Biden and the Democrats.  Pray for the young man’s full recovery.  And pray the police hunt down the animals.”

Since it’s not a blue state, maybe the police actually will.

Similarly, conservative podcast host Liz Wheeler said, “If this were a democrat beaten by republicans, it would be front page news everywhere.  This is disgusting that MSM outlets are ignoring this outrage.”

We’ll see what happens and if the police step up and do their jobs, or if the violent left will get away with savaging conservatives yet again.
