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Black Lives Matter destroyed neighborhoods, but Joe Biden declares ‘MAGA crowd’ the ‘most extreme political organization in recent history



President Biden said that the controversy is “about a lot more than abortion,” and warned that the “MAGA crowd” is “the most extreme political organization that’s existed in recent American history,” after the leaked draft opinion signaling the Supreme Court’s intent to overturn Roe v. Wade.

The president was asked about the leaked draft opinion authored by Justice Samuel Alito, which indicates the high court’s plans to strike down Roe v. Wade, which would leave decisions on abortion restrictions for the states to decide.

“This is about a lot more than abortion,” Biden said, pointing to Roe as part of the right to privacy as he had following the release of the draft opinion, per a report.

“This reminds me of the debate with Robert Bork. Bork believed the only reason you had any inherent rights was because the government gave them to you. When I was questioning him as the chairman, I said, ‘I believe I have the rights that I have not just because the government gave them to me, which you believe, but because I’m just a child of God—I exist,’” said Biden.

“So, the idea that somehow there is an inherent right, that there is no right of privacy, that there is no right. There’d been a law saying a married couple could not purchase birth control in the privacy of their own bedroom and use it. Well, that got struck down,” he continued.

Griswold v. Connecticut is what Biden was referring to, which he said: “Was thought to be a bad decision, by working on, my guess is, the guys on the Supreme Court.”

“Now, what happens if you have states changing the law, saying that that that children who are LGBT, who can’t be in classrooms with other children, is that is that legit under the way that the decision is written?” Asked Biden.

woke bishop

“What are the next things that are going to be attacked? Because this MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history… in recent American history,” he added.