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BOOM: RINO Liz Cheney Gets Even More Bad News about Her Reelection Chances



Liz Cheney the Trump-hating RINO is down very, very badly in the polls right now, with a victory for Trump-backed Harriet Hageman looking all but assured at this point thanks to Liz Cheney’s unpopularity with the GOP base and the fact that Wyoming is a ruby red state.

However, though she’s very unpopular with conservatives, Liz is somewhat more popular with Democrats, who like her only because she has attacked Donald Trump with such vigor and hatred.

So, her new campaign strategy has been to try and get Democrats to switch parties for the primary and vote for her to help her hold off Hageman, saying that she “encourages everyone with principles who love our country to exercise their right to vote… If any eligible voter living in Wyoming wishes to become a Republican they are free to do so.”

The New York Times added more details about what Liz is doing, noting that Cheney’s campaign has been mailing out instructions to Democrats on how to switch parties to vote for her.

Representative Liz Cheney, a Republican of Wyoming whose polling remains far behind her Trump-endorsed primary challenger as her House committee’s Jan. 6 hearings continue, is urging Democrats in her home state to switch parties to support her in the Aug. 16 primary.

In the last week, Wyoming Democrats have received mail from Ms. Cheney’s campaign with specific instructions on how to change their party affiliation to vote for her. Ms. Cheney’s campaign website now has a link to a form for changing parties.

Hageman’s campaign, for its part, used that call of Cheney’s for help from Democrats as another issue with which it could bludgeon her, sayingLiz Cheney told the New York Times that she wouldn’t be encouraging Democrats to raid the Republican primary, but I guess the drive to hold onto power is just too strong for her to keep her word.”

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However, even if Liz has gone back on her word and is now begging for help from the leftists that she’s supposed to be fighting, it might not matter. Such is what Wyoming Senator John Barrasso pointed out during a recent Fox News Channel appearance, saying:

Well, number one, this wouldn’t be the first time that Democrats cross over and flip their registration to vote in Republican — in Republican primaries. There are really not that many Democrats out there. And even the chairman of the Democratic Party of Wyoming said there are not enough Democrats to do that.”

In other words, Wyoming is a ruby red state, so even if Liz does use her Trump-hatred to convince Democrats to switch parties and back her in the primary election, she’ll still probably lose the election against Hageman.

Further dimming the lights on Cheney’s chances of victory in her primary race against Hageman, Senator Barrasso pointed out that Wyoming voters just don’t like Liz, saying:

“Wyoming politics is very personal. It’s face to face. It’s town to town. The travel that I have done around the state, I think she has a lot of work to do if she hopes to win the primary.”

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