California Mom Goes Nuclear on School Board Over Sick Indoctrination of Kids With “Family Friendly” Drag Show
When are these people going to learn? It keeps happening all over the country; schools in conjunction with special interest lgbtq groups continually attempt to groom and indoctrinate kids. The leftist madness has to stop.
Why can’t kids be allowed to decide for themselves who they are and what sexual preferences they have naturally and organically? It will happen on its own, like it has for most of human history. But no, special interest groups have to keep pushing their radical ideology on the most impressionable segment of our society, children.
Let’s be honest, kids aren’t very smart. Often they are also seeking a way to stand out and feel part of something bigger and to belong. In steps the alphabet army to try to convince them they are something they are not. Well, a pissed off mom in California had enough and blasted the school board recently for advertising a “family friendly” drag show, as if those exist. Check this out.
A San Diego mother who went viral this week for her fierce takedown of a local school board for its plans for “family-friendly” Halloween drag show told Fox News Thursday she hopes she’s encouraged other parents to protect their children from an increasingly prevalent “hyper-sexualized” culture.
In a widely circulated video on social media, Brittany Mayer accused the Encinitas Union School District of acting as “groomers and activist pimps” after it invited community youth and families to a “queer” Halloween party featuring a “family-friendly” drag queen show.
Be unrelentingly brave. This is good vs evil.https://t.co/IHs0UmXimB
— rooted.wings (@BrittRooted) October 14, 2022
Tell me what is family friendly about gay men dressing up as women and dancing and acting in a sexual manner around a bunch of kids. I’ll wait. Nothing, is the answer. This is inappropriate on every level, and just 5 years ago would have been unheard of. Sadly since the Biden Administration began and these fringe groups have been emboldened, this type of event is becoming all too common.
“We asked the board again and again to reconsider and to issue an apology and an explanation, which they didn’t, which is why we decided to show up,”
“What is it about a grown man costumed in a sparkly bra with augmented boobs busting out and wearing a miniskirt barely covering his twerking a– with duct tape on his front while spreading his fish-netted legs as he writhes on the ground, grinding his groin next to a minor, family-friendly?” she can be heard telling the board before demanding that they apologize to offended parents.
“You all played the activist pimp for Align Surgical center and for a 21-plus gay bar,” she continued. “It makes you groomers and activist pimps and we won’t have those sitting on a school board that oversees the education of our children.”
Kudos to this mom for roasting the school board and calling things as they really are. This is inappropriate on every level, and appears to be a surgical reassignment center trying to drum up business. This nonsense is taking place all over America, and it takes more brave parents willing to speak out and save our children from the predators portraying themselves as “activists”.