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Judge Jeanine Pirro Completely Eviscerates Geraldo Over Biden Documents [WATCH]



Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro and Geraldo Rivera absolutely went at each other’s throats during a recent on air debate over Biden’s latest scandal and the video is SHOCKING.

The two started their debate when Judge called out Geraldo for being a lawyer and not understanding that the Joe Biden’s classified document scandal may or may not have legal repercussions.

“You are a lawyer,” Judge Jeanine Pirro said to Geraldo before the two descended into yelling on Fox News’ major primetime show The Five.

“What law?” Geraldo chimed back at Pirro. That quote appeared to set off a major chain reaction that ultimately led to an unusually abrasive on air battle.

Benny Johnson, a conservative influencer who posted the clip to Twitter even described it on Twitter by saying:

“Judge Jeanine TORCHES Geraldo’s Mustache OFF with FLAMETHROWER On-Air rant about Biden’s STOLEN classified docs”

Ultimately another moderator had to break up the conversation and and calm things too high because there was so much yelling going on. Greg Gutfeld, another Fox News host even at the end of the clip tries to reign the conversation back in telling the group that they “have to move on.”

Check out their spat in the tweet below:

free hat

Check out what some other folks had to say in the comments of the tweet talking about the exchange below: