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Billionaire And Friend Of The Clintons Found Dead From Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound



On Thursday morning, billionaire philanthropist Thomas H. Lee was found dead in his office after what is being ruled a self-inflicted gun shot wound.

The NY Post reports:

The 78-year-old philanthropist and Clinton pal was discovered by a female assistant on the floor of the bathroom in his family office at the Fifth Avenue headquarters of his eponymous financial firm shortly after 11 a.m. Thursday, sources said.

The assistant went to look for her boss — a married dad of five who pioneered the leveraged-buyout industry — because he hadn’t been heard from, sources said.

First-responders found Lee, also a grandfather of two, lying on his side with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head, sources said.

According to the NY Post, Lee “hosted the Clintons at his East Hampton estate regularly and frequently played at the famed Maidstone golf club”.

“He was regarded as having one of the most admired houses in the Hamptons – Bill and Hillary Clinton were frequent guests, they would regularly stay there,’ a source told the publication. The Clintons also stayed at Lee’s East Hampton mansion after the bruising 2008 Democratic primary against Barack Obama.

“He was a regular at Maidstone golf club,” also, the source added.

Shortly after the news, the words “Clinton Body Count” began making the rounds on Twitter again:

woke bishop

We will update you as more details emerge in the coming weeks…