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JUST IN: Former Prosecutor Confirms Biden Bribery Allegations Are Credible



The Former U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania, Scott Brady testified before the House Judiciary Committee and confirmed to the body the allegations of bribery against President Joe Biden and his family had “sufficient indicia of credibility,” to warrant a Grand Jury Investigation that never took place.

As reported by The Daily Caller, Brady testified in October regarding the origin of an FBI FD-1023 document that was released to the public by Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) after it was turned over to him by a whistleblower. The document contained devastating allegations that Joe and Hunter Biden had each received $5 million in bribes from Mykola Zlochevsky, a Ukrainian oligarch and founder of Burisma.

A transcript of the testimony reviewed by James Lynch writing for Daily Caller revealed Brady’s stunning confirmation.

During the hearing, Brady told the committee, “Well, again, respecting the privileges that attach to this, during the course of our investigation, we were made aware of a confidential human source who — and because the 1023 is public, I can speak to that.”

He explained, “A confidential human source in a previous 1023 had identified an interaction with a Ukrainian national who discussed — it wasn’t the focus of that 1023 from several years prior but had made reference to Hunter Biden serving on the board of Burisma.”

As previously reported by Trending Politics, Hunter Biden did indeed serve on the Burisma board of Directors and seemingly without cause earned a comfortable income of $80,000 per month, despite having no appreciable experience in the industry or in Ukrainian business at all.

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Brady told the committee, “Yeah, so we identified the previous 1023 probably at the beginning of June and then went back and forth with the FBI about reaching back out to the CHS and doing a full interview on the line referencing Hunter Biden and Burisma. But it took a while.”

He added, “Certainly anything relating to Ukraine, Ukrainian nationals that intersected with Hunter Biden and his role serving on the Burisma board was sensitive and certainly in 2020, months before an election cycle when different policies kick in for the Department and for the FBI.”

According to Daily Caller, Brady was given the responsibility of vetting the allegations in the FD-1023 due to his prior role in working with information related to the Ukraine investigations. He told Congress that he found the damning allegations against the Biden’s credible enough that they should be investigated.

“What we were able to identify, we found that it was consistent. And so we felt that there were sufficient indicia of credibility in this 1023 to pass it on to an office that had a predicated grand jury investigation.”

Contradicting reports that the information in the FD-1023 was related to information provided by former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani were refuted by Brady according to a Tuesday letter from Sen. Grassley Tuesday in which he said, “The information in the Biden family 1023 was obtained separate from Giuliani from a long-standing, high-paid FBI CHS who’s been used in other investigative matters by the FBI, as the Zlochevsky case illustrates.”

The testimony from Brady reinforces Grassley’s assessment:

“Based on the information provided to my office over a period of years by multiple credible whistleblowers, there appears to be an effort within the Justice Department and FBI to shut down investigative activity relating to the Biden family,” Grassley wrote to Garland and Wray.

“Such decisions point to significant political bias infecting the decision-making of not only the Attorney General and FBI Director, but also line agents and prosecutors.”

Grassley is now investigating whether the investigation by the FBI was improperly shut down to protect the Bidens despite the highly credible information described by Brady.