WATCH: Biden’s Education Secretary Hilariously BOTCHES Famous Reagan Quote
Education Secretary Miguel Cardona attempted to reference a famous quote by former President Ronald Reagan, only to stumble amusingly in his delivery.
Cardona said, “As I think it was President Reagan said, ‘We’re from the government, and we’re here to help.'” The statement humorously botched Reagan’s original quote, which is often cited as an exemplification of conservative skepticism towards government intervention.
Reagan famously said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” The phrase has since become a cornerstone of conservative culture, especially surrounding limited government and the dangers of bureaucratic overreach.
While Cardona’s mix-up of Reagan’s quote might be seen as a minor verbal slip, it has taken on greater significance in the current political climate. The error in quoting Reagan comes at a time when the Biden administration faces scrutiny over their handling of domestic education policies and a spiraling drop in approval rating a year out from the 2024 election.
These people are beyond parody
— Will’s Thoughts (@Will22Boz) November 27, 2023
OMG, he actually used that line unironically?
— Rani, Last of The Red Hot Boomers (@ShadesOfRani) November 27, 2023
Reeducation Department. Nothing he says is true.
— Marc Rudov (@MarcRudov) November 27, 2023
The Lack of Education Secretary
— J (@ARaised_Eyebrow) November 27, 2023
Getting history wrong seems to be campaign strategy for the Biden admin.
— James Lasher (@TheJamesLasher) November 27, 2023