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“A Nation that Is Weaponized”: Trump’s New Ad Will Give You Chills



Following the outrageous FBI raid on his Mar-a-Lago residence, former President Donald Trump released an ad on his Truth Social account.

That advertisement, called “A Nation in Decline” on the video he posted, is one that might be the most important ad the former president has released. That’s because not only does it warn Americans exactly how Slow Joe’s horrible administration is destroying their country and economy, but it also ends on a message of hope, reminding patriotic Americans that though these days are dark, they still have a chance of winning and restoring American greatness if only they allow it.

Watch that brilliant ad here:

As you can hear, Trump, in the apocalyptic-sounding video, which is black and white and set to the sound of rain and thunder, sounds off on Biden’s America, saying that “America is a nation in decline” and that “We are a failing nation … We are a nation that in many ways has become a joke. But soon we will have greatness again.

Throughout the ad, former President Trump lambasts the Biden Administration on everything from domestic monetary policy to disastrously bad foreign policy. In one part of the ad, for example, Trump says:

We are a nation that allowed Russia to devastate a country, Ukraine, killing hundreds of thousands of people, and it will only get worse. We are a nation that has weaponized its law enforcement against the opposing political party like never before

woke bishop

“We are a nation that is allowing Iran to build a massive nuclear weapon and China to use the trillions and trillions of dollars it’s taken from the United States to build a military to rival our own. We are a nation that over the past two years is no longer respected or listened to all around the world.”

In another he ripped Biden’s energy policy, saying:

We are a nation that has the highest energy cost in its history. We are no longer energy independent or energy dominant, which we were just two short years ago.

“We are a nation that is begging Venezuela and Saudi Arabia for oil. We are a nation that surrendered in Afghanistan, leaving behind dead soldiers, American citizens and $85 billion worth of the finest military equipment in the world.

But, while most of the video is dire sounding and will give you chill, the end is as rejuvenating as the rest of it paints a dark vision of America. Speaking on American renewal, which he still believes to be possible, Trump says, as the rain and thunder ends and swelling orchestral music begins:

There is no mountain we cannot climb, there is no summit we cannot reach, there is no challenge we cannot meet. We will not bend, we will not break, we will not yield.

“The tyrants we are fighting do not stand even a little chance because we are Americans and Americans kneel to God and God alone. And it is time to start talking about greatness for our country again.”

Let’s hope he’s right about that part; the part about Biden destroying America certainly seems true.

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