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“Actively Working on Behalf of the Democratic Party”: Tucker TORCHES FBI in Scorching Monologue, Exposes Deep State Corruption



Why did the FBI attack Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in such a vicious, precedent-shattering raid a few weeks ago? Why would the FBI insert itself into social media moderation and nudge Facebook into censoring the Hunter Biden story, as Mark Zuckerberg insisted happened during his recent interview with Joe Rogan? Why would the Deep State continue prying into the Trump Administration and investigating its members despite knowing the Russian collusion claims were false?

According to Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson, the best of the best when it comes to saying what actual conservatives are thinking and want to know, it’s because the FBI is actively working on behalf of the Democratic Party.

Such is what he said last night when ripping into the FBI for involving itself in domestic politics to attack the enemies of the left, saying:

So. it turns out, looking back 18 months, the 2020 election was the most consequential election of our lifetimes. You assume Joe Biden was incapacitated and couldn’t change much. Well, true, he is incapacitated, but the people behind him most definitely are not. They are more ideological and more aggressive than ever.

Now it turns out, among those people is our largest and most heavily armed federal law enforcement agency. That would be the FBI. The FBI is not allowed to insert itself into domestic politics.

That would violate the U.S. Constitution. It is completely illegal, but for several years it has become increasingly clear that that is exactly what the FBI is doing, actively working on behalf of the Democratic Party, mocking the rule of law, subverting our democracy from within far more effectively than any foreign government ever could.  

Later in his monologue, he again blasted the tactics and methods of the FBI with a vengeance, exposing the underhanded way that the FBI went about getting Facebook to censor the Hunter Biden story and noting just what it means that the FBI was up to that. In his words:

woke bishop

Zuckerberg confirmed that the FBI didn’t put any of these warnings about Russian disinformation propaganda in writing. Of course, they didn’t. Nothing in writing and that makes sense.

If you’re the FBI, you wouldn’t want to put that in writing because you were, of course, lying. At the moment, the FBI was warning Facebook about a propaganda dump that obviously would include Hunter Biden’s laptop, they had Hunter Biden’s laptop in their possession. So, they knew perfectly well it was authentic because anyone who looks at it does. We have looked at it and it’s instantly obvious this is real and of course, we now know conclusively it is real.  

Conservatives have an inclination to “back the blue,” an inclination that would include the FBI.

It’s time to get over that. These people hate us. They work against us. They are our enemies. If we’re to win, if we’re to defeat the left, we need to treat them as such.

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