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AOC Makes Bizarre Claim about Immigration, Capitalism



Speaking on the topic of immigration and capitalism, socialist Rep. AOC came close to making a good point with the topics she was bringing up, but got things all muddled and made the exact opposite of the point she should have made.

That’s because she, speaking on how the pressures of capitalism have led younger couples to stop having kids, claimed that the solution is more immigration, which makes no sense. She’s right that couples are having fewer kids thanks to the pressures of making a living in hyper-capitalist America, but the solution to that is higher pay so that couples have enough resources to have and raise a kid and the mom can stay home with the child, not to import yet more immigrants that will drive down wages and make it even harder to have kids.

In any case, here’s what AOC said:

“There are quite a few countries that are really struggling because young people, under the burdens of capitalism and living in a society that is increasingly concentrating wealth among the rich, we’re not having kids. Or we’re not having kids at the same rate.

“And we actually need immigrant populations to help balance things out. We can’t continue to fund social security, Medicare, all of this stuff without immigrants. And it’s always been that way. Don’t act like this is some new trend or anything like that.”

That comment came in addition to a similar claim she recently made about illegal immigrants after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis shipped 50 illegals from Venezuela to Martha’s Vineyard. Commenting on that, she said:

“What a lot of Republican politicians fail to understand is that not everyone shares their zero-sum, scarcity mindset. Many of us understand that immigrants and refugees are a blessing. They have so much to offer our country, & much of our growth as a nation is because of them.

“Shout out to Massachusetts and the people of Martha’s Vineyard for showing the world what the best of America looks like.”

What AOC gets right is that illegal immigrants tend to have more kids than native born Americans. What she gets wrong is that that’s a good thing. If we’re to recover from the world foisted on us by Big Business and late-stage capitalism, the solution isn’t to import more low-skilled worker bees to have masses of kids.

That will just keep driving wages down and make things yet harder for average Americans, as Breitbart recently pointed out, saying:

the massive wave of new customers has helped spike the value of real estate, apartment rents, and the cost of new houses, especially in areas where well-to-do Americans flee from the arrival of diverse populations.”

Rather, the solution is to cut immigration to the bone so that wages go up, pressures on the housing market and government services let up, and Americans can build families while earning an honest wage for honest work. More immigrants will just help Big Business at the expense of everyone else.
