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BOOM: Hawley Slams Big Corporations as Being “Increasingly Anti-America”



Appearing Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “The Ingraham Angle” to speak with host Laura Ingraham, Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri sounded off when speaking about Big Business in America and how our megacorporations have become increasingly aligned with wokeness that is making them “anti-America.”

Commenting on that topic, woke capital, one that has become increasingly popular on the New Right and MAGA wing of the GOP after Big Business donated billions to groups like BLM during the summer of riots that followed George Floyd’s death and started pushing wokeness in the culture, Sen. Hawley said:

“You know, I just think for a long time, Laura, you had the old Republican establishment, the old DC establishment that said that to the big corporations, all we’re all for that the big corporations can do no wrong.

“And what we found and what you’ve just been talking about is these big corporations, they are increasingly anti-America, they are increasingly on board with the woke agenda. I mean, you look at some of the worst damage that’s been done in terms of forcing a woke agenda on the American people and it’s actually the big corporations working with big government, and then selling out our workers to China is part and parcel of that.

In other words, the view of Sen. Hawley and other “New Right”-type Republicans like him is that the Chamber of Commerce Republicans have empowered companies that then shipped their operations overseas while using their financial weight and power to force wokeness on Americans at home.

That state of things is intolerable to many Republicans, including Sen. Hawley. And so he offered a solution to the problem, arguing that it’s time for Republicans to start wielding power to punish the woke corporations that have done so much to advance wokeness and anti-Americanism. In his words:

“So we’ve got to make clear, we’re not, we’re not in favor of these multilateral corporations, no more special deals for them. No more sweetheart deals.

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“We’re in favor of America. We’re in favor of an America First economic policy and America first foreign policy. And that means doing what’s good for the American worker and also what’s good for, for American values and American principles. And we ought to make that clear in the law.”

One example of a Republican who has already acted in that manner is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. After the Walt Disney Corporation pushed back on the bill he passed to keep groomers out of elementary schools, DeSantis and Florida’s GOP-dominated legislature took emergency action to strip Disney of its special status and tax benefits in a move widely heralded as being an example of how conservatives can fight back against woke corporations.

Similarly, Governor Abbott of Texas has taken action to stop Texas government agencies from doing business with Blackrock and other sources of woke capital that have ESG agendas, hitting them hard for their pushing of wokeness via financial means.
