Biden SLAMMED For Inappropriate Tweets As Americans Remain Hostage In Gaza
President Joseph R. Biden, Jr., amidst the sudden and brutal war instigated by an unprovoked attack by Hamas terrorists on Israel from the Gaza Strip, opened himself to massive scorn and ridicule by making some of the most tone-deaf, situationally inappropriate posts imaginable. This has been exacerbated by reports of American citizens being among those killed and captured by Hamas.
Coupled with the White House Press Office calling a “lid” on the day at about noon EST, essentially saying “no comment” for the rest of the day, in a situation that demands strong, decisive American leadership, Biden has left the nation with worse than none.
Sunday morning, rather than addressing the crisis, Biden’s official account posted about the so-called ‘student debt relief’ instead, a policy of subsidizing irresponsible student borrowing on the backs of productive taxpayers that has been met with wide condemnation from conservatives.
He wrote in a post, “We’ve never walked away from that sense of possibility that drives this country. Delivering student debt relief to borrowers that need it is about extending the power of possibilities to every American. Not just those at the top.”
Kristopher J. Anderson of Turning Point Action replied, “Democrats funded the attacks on Israel.” Another commenter noted, “The world is on fire, and this is what you tweet.. you are the most disgusting human being and president this country has ever had”
An hour later, in a post seemingly apropos of nothing at all, Biden wrote “I’m a capitalist. If you can make a billion dollars, go get it. Just pay a little more in taxes. It’s time billionaires pay a 25% minimum tax.” To which Republican voting activist Scott Pressler responded starkly, “So, how much does Iran pay when you gift our enemy $6 billion? Israel pays a blood tax.”
WCBM Host Kimberly Klacik responded with incredulity, posting, “I thought this was a parody account lol.” Then, later on Sunday, the President’s account posted gloatingly, “We’ve canceled $127 billion in student debt for nearly 3.6 million Americans. It’s a big deal.” Former Congresswoman Mayra Flores, who is seeking reelection to Texas’ 34th District, pointed out, “Maybe you should have also canceled the $6 billion dollars you sent to Iran!”
Maybe you should have also canceled the $6 billion dollars you sent to Iran!
— Mayra Flores Vallejo (@MayraFloresTX34) October 8, 2023
Conservative Talk Show Host Joe “Pags” Pagliarulo wrote, “Don’t forget the 6B you just unfroze so Iran can terrorize the world. And you didn’t cancel anything.. you just put future generations further in debt.” TheDeplorableVeteran noted bluntly, “No one gives a f**k about student loan debt right now. Read the room.”
In a post issued after the ‘lid’ was imposed on White House Press Corps. members Biden posted a heavily edited video in which he bragged of creating 336,000 “new” jobs to which Economist E.J. Antoni, Ph.D. responded “.@POTUS fundamentally misunderstands the jobs report: 336k more payrolls is not synonymous w/ 336k more people having jobs. 37% of the payroll increase was people who already had a job getting a second one, which doesn’t even include those who got a 3rd:” Ethan Nicolle likewise asked, “Wait. is he counting new Hamas recruits as new jobs he created?”
.@POTUS fundamentally misunderstands the jobs report: 336k more payrolls is not synonymous w/ 336k more people having jobs. 37% of the payroll increase was people who already had a job getting a second one, which doesn’t even include those who got a 3rd:https://t.co/Ztdf9CGCB2
— E.J. Antoni, Ph.D. (@RealEJAntoni) October 9, 2023