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Biden Will Be Making a Big Mistake By Removing Iran’s Revolutionary Guards From Terrorist List



Within the same month that the US Justice Department uncovered an Iranian plan to kill John Bolton and Mike Pompeo, and an Islamist zealot attacked Salman Rushdie in New York, the Biden presidency is considering dropping the IRGC from their international terrorists’ watchlist. Shahram Poursafi, an IRGC officer, allegedly received $300,000 for murdering Bolton and Pompeo, according to the DOJ. Poursafi is at large. Assassinations were planned in retribution for President Trump’s killing of IRGC terrorist chief General Qassem Soleimani.

A U.S. administration spokesman said delisting the IRGC would need an Iranian promise to rein in the Guards. Biden thought the IRGC would stop helping Bashar al-Assad’s civil war in Syria. Perhaps he assumed they’d stop supporting the Houthi rebels in Yemen and the PMF in Iraq. Or he thought they might halt their UAV and limpet mine assaults on international commerce in the Strait of Hormuz. Biden’s past with terrorists isn’t impressive, especially after he surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban. Delisting IRGC would be disastrous. 

Trump designated the IRGC a terrorist group in 2019. Washington had never labeled a sovereign state as a terrorist organization before. Since then, the theocratic leadership has requested their delisting to revive the stalled nuclear deal. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini founded the IRGC as his own Gestapo to propagate tyranny and violence at home and abroad. General Soleimani was key. His poster still appears across the Middle East. 

Following President Trump’s complete withdrawal from the JCPOA nuclear agreement in 2018 and the re-imposition of severe sanctions, throngs of Iranians protested the governing mullahs’ venal corruption and wanton expenditure on conflict and terror. In a frenzy, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei ordered Soleimani to unleash a violent assault on peaceful protestors, in which an estimated 1,500 were murdered, more than 4,000 were injured, and over 12,000 were detained. Soleimani ordered disguised snipers on government building roofs to kill unarmed protestors. IRGC thugs and security personnel combed hospitals for the wounded. Qassem Soleimani was an infamous Iranian terrorist. Many Americans’ blood was on him. Soleimani pretended to help the West fight ISIS, but he oversaw the killing of thousands of Sunnis in Fallujah, Ramadi, and Mosul, leaving flaming wreckage. Trump’s removal was a big blow for the IRGC and the theocratic dictatorship and a victory for liberty and justice. 

IRGC controls 70% of Iran’s economy and answers only to the head of state. They avoid paying taxes. While many Iranians suffer, corrupt commanders drive luxurious automobiles, and live in beautiful homes. They train and fund Iran’s affiliates in Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, and the Palestinian territories, inflicting bloodshed and war. Pulling the IRGC and Quds Force from the blacklist will increase international threats. Already, IRGC militants are fighting alongside Russian invaders in Ukraine. This fact alone should prevent their delisting, but Joe Biden’s quislings reject every warning and continue ahead with the useless conversation with the Islamists. 

Since the fraudulent election of hardline president Ebrahim Raisi, whose administration includes dozens of revolutionary force commanders, the IRGC’s political dominance in Iran’s complicated power structure has grown. Raisi insists the nuclear deal can’t be revived without IRGC’s elimination from the terrorist watchlist. An extension of the JCPOA would permit Iran to export its oil and gas internationally again, which would entice theocratic regime sympathizers in Europe who are energy-starved due to the Ukraine war. Any extension of the nuclear accord would need the US, Europe, Germany, France, the UK, China, and Russia’s signatures. Surprisingly, the west would accept a deal requiring Putin’s approval. 

woke bishop

Obama approved the 10-year JCPOA in 2015. If resurrected, it will only last three years. The accord was catastrophically defective from the start, forbidding IAEA auditors from entering any IRGC or military location where the mullahs were developing nuclear weapons clandestinely. The mullahs bragged of enriching uranium to armaments purity. They’ll do whatever to build a nuclear bomb, and the JCPOA is political theater. Biden shouldn’t be fooled into removing the IRGC from the blacklist. The mullahs must be held accountable for their criminal acts and human rights abuses. The West should help the Iranian people eliminate this pariah tyranny.