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BOOM: Ingraham Detonates on Fake News Media for Doing This to Cover for Slow Joe Biden



Fox News Channel’s Laura Ingraham, during a recent segment of hers took a hammer to America’s obviously far-left, fake news media, raking it over the coals for running cover for Biden by refusing to report the truth about his presidency, particularly when doing so would mean admitting inconvenient truths about his utter incompetence.

In doing so, Ingraham echoed a point that many conservatives have long made, which is that the corporate press, particularly the left-leaning parts of it, won’t do anything that might help the GOP out if they can avoid doing so, as their goal is to support the liberal order, not discover the truth and inform Americans, telling them what is really going on.

And so Ingraham made that point on her program, thrashing the fake news media for covering up for Biden for so long, saying:

“Another Biden voter from New York is quoted as saying do you ever see him on TV? He compared the president to zombies and that’s what he looks like. Why is it just coming to light now? We’ve been documenting the foolishness since he announced his run in 2019. Which begs the question what did the media know and when did they know it?”

Obviously, they’ve known it for the whole time, as Biden’s mental shortcomings are clear as day to anyone who even attempts to listen to him mumble on stage, watch him walk around, or sit through a meeting without falling asleep. He hid in his basement for the 2020 race, the media didn’t dig into his mental state, and so now we have senile Joe Biden running the country.

Continuing her rant about the shortcomings and failures of the corporate press, Ingraham again ripped it apart for focusing on helping Democrats rather than reporting on the truth, saying:

Obviously, the president knows a lot more than they’re telling us about how bad things are inside the White House.

woke bishop

“But they’re not reporting anything they know because they are not afraid of helping the G.O.P. This is scandalous because we the American people have the right to know whether Biden is capable of actually carrying out the duties of the office.”

This isn’t the first time that Ingraham has sounded off on the media covering for Biden and focusing on what’s bad for Trump and the GOP rather than true about the current situation. She was doing so as far back as December of 2020, saying:

Democrats, deep staters and Never Trump grifters … did everything in their power … to drive him out of office long before he was sworn in.”They illegally surveilled his campaign, smeared him as a Russian agent, forced him to spend millions of dollars in legal fees, threatened his family, dragged out the ridiculous Mueller investigation, impeached him for talking to the president of Ukraine.


“And every step of the way, the small-minded men and women who make up the American left and the American press corps were complicit.”

Americans do have a right to know what’s going on and if their president is mentally competent. Unfortunately, with Brandon in charge and the corporate press covering for him, that just doesn’t seem to be the case, as Ingraham points out.

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