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BOOM: Lauren Boebert Thrases MSM “Rag”, FBI Attack on Trump, Perry In Blistering Statement



Appearing on Fox News Channel’s “Ingraham Angle” to tear into Vox, the leftist news and commentary website, Colorado Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert, one of the more rock-ribbed conservatives in the GOP caucus, blasted the outlet as nothing more than a tool of the “communist overlords” of the left.

As background, Rep. Boebert’s criticism of Vox, even outside of its recent “reporting,” certainly makes sense given that it has previously slandered her as both “Islamaphobic” and a QAnon supporter. Ridiculous allegations, of course, meant to make her look bad.

In any case, Boebert sounded off when discussing Vox with Laura Ingraham on her program, starting off by exposing how the outlet changes tune based on the needs of it’s “communist overlords,” saying:

You know, Laura, ‘Vox’ is a liberal rag that chooses its tone based on whatever their communist overlords say. Just like the DCCC, they suffer from Trump derangement system and can’t see how this overreach threatens the civil liberties of all Americans.

Continuing, Boebert went on to change the target of her attack, focusing more on the Deep State and how it has expanded itself and been weaponized in recent days, particularly in the lens of the tens of thousands of new IRS agents that will be hired and the FBI raid on both Mar-a-Lago and Rep. Scott Perry. Speaking on that point, Boebert said:

Look what has happened. Biden has weaponized the DoJ. Biden and Pelosi are currently weaponizing the IRS with 87,000 new armed IRS agents that are readily available to use deadly force.

“If the DoJ and the FBI can target President Trump and chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, Scott Perry, they can target any American.”

woke bishop

Still Boebert wasn’t done. From there, she exposed what she sees as the real intent of the FBI raid, the political persecution of President Trump and the left getting their revenge in while they still have the opportunity.

Framing the high-profile, shocking raid in that light, Boebert said:

And let me be very clear. This isn’t some records dispute with the National Archives. This is political retribution against President Trump and Chairman Perry.”

Finally, explaining why the FBI wanted to go after Perry in particular, she brought up that he’s the one that has so far led the charge against AG Garland and noting that the FBI is, in her view, attempting to strike a few high profile blows against MAGA because it can’t raid all of the men and women that voted for President Trump. In her words:

“Think about it, Laura. Chairman Perry filed articles of impeachment against Attorney General Garland and then he’s the one whose personal cellphone is tracked down and taken by FBI agents?

“Attorney General Garland can send 30 FBI bullies, if he wants to, to raid President Trump apparently, but they cannot raid all 80-plus million Americans that support President Trump and make up this MAGA movement.

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