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BOOM: Ted Cruz DESTROYS Greasy Gavin Newsom, Biden In Epic Rant [WATCH]



Ready to get a good chuckle in at a leftist’s expense? Well get ready, because Ted Cruz is ready to provide you with just that. In fact, you’ll get to laugh at the expense of two of them, as he just detonated on both Greasy Gavin Newsom and the Biden Administration when talking with Fox news Channel’s Jesse Watters.

Specifically, Cruz ripped Biden for the lies he’s pushing his press secretary to spread and Gavin Newsom for sitting in an air-conditioned office so cold he kept his jacket on while telling Californians to shut off their appliances because of a heat wave.

Speaking on the issue of the lies spewed from the Biden Administration mouthpiece at the American people and excoriating Biden for having her push those lies, particularly about so important and crucial a topic as immigration, Cruz said:

What we are not used to, what is unusual, is to see a White House press secretary that will stand there and just flat out lie. She was asked about people walking across the border and she said, ‘Nobody is doing it. That’s not happening. Nobody is walking illegally across the border.’ And that’s not just a little bit wrong. It is wildly, completely, 180 degrees false. In the last year and a half, 4.5 million illegal immigrants have walked or swum or been on a raft across the border. All of that is because of Joe Biden’s open-border policy.

And so, she is just flat out living in an alternate reality. So I invited her, come to the border. She said, ‘I’m not going to be lectured by Republican senator,’ what you just played right there. And then I came back and said, ‘I will tell you what. Come to the Rio Grande Valley, spend one hour, 60 minutes. Come out with me and the Border Patrol Union on midnight patrol. I guarantee you, in 60 minutes we will encounter multiple groups of illegal aliens coming across, dozens, if not hundreds.‘ And here’s what I said the stakes would be. Let’s invite the entire Washington press corps. If we go out for an hour and we don’t encounter anyone, I will stand in front of the press corps and say I was wrong.

“But let me tell you, Jesse, that ain’t gonna happen because we are going to encounter dozens or even hundreds of people. So I have asked the simple question, does Karine Jean-Pierre, does she have the integrity, does she have the courage when she sees dozens and hundreds of illegal aliens in any one hour to say, ‘I lied to you?’ And if she doesn’t, why is Joe Biden paying her to lie to the American people and why are the docile sheep in the press room, why is every one of them not writing on the front page of the paper, ‘Pants on fire?’ If they are not, they are complicit in lying to the American people.

Watch that here:

woke bishop

But while that was epic, it wasn’t all that Senator Cruz had to say. As I mentioned above, he also tore into Greasy Gavin Newsom the hypocrite, absolutely raking him over the coals for the air conditioner situation, along with the general leftist insanity. Speaking on that, Senator Cruz said:

“You know, it’s not complicated. It’s an all-of-the-above energy policy. It’s a policy that lets people heat their homes and cool their homes and drive their cars and get to work and take care of their kids. And I gotta say, that opening monologue you just did, it really did illustrate the modern Democratic Party, which is of the rich, by the rich and for the rich. Today’s Democrat Party is all about California environmentalist billionaires.

“I love that Gavin Newsom was wearing his fleece, obviously in cool air conditioning, saying, ‘Let them eat cake. Let them sweat. You don’t get air-conditioning.’ It’s like John Kerry who flies his private jet all over the planet lecturing people that you poor, gritty working class with dirt under your fingernails, you need to go without an automobile, you need turn your air conditioner off. In fact, you need to just stay home and eat worms. It is truly a contempt for working class men and women, and that’s led to the flip, which is today’s Republican Party is the party of truck drivers and steelworks and waiters and waitresses and cops and firefighters. I think that’s the most significant political shift we have seen in decades.”

Excellent stuff from Cruz. Let’s just hope he sticks to his guns and keeps cranking up the pressure on the left as tempers flare with the temperature and politics get even nastier.

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