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BOOM: Trump-Supporting Baseball Great Curt Schilling Skewers America-Bashing Brittney Griner



Brittney Griner, as most people not living under a rock now know, is the America-bashing WNBA player that refused to appear on court for the national anthem following George Floyd’s death that is now locked up in Russia for smuggling drugs into the Russian Federation, a crime she pleaded guilty to despite claiming that she hadn’t intended to bring the hashish oil into the country.

Since her arrest, she, her wife, and her coach and teammates have made quite the scene, demanding that Biden intervene to get her out of the grip of the Russians, claiming that she’s a “political prisoner” or otherwise locked up for impermissible reasons.

Not everyone agrees with that depiction of what has happened to Brittney Griner (or, perhaps more accurately, what world of hurt she brought on herself by putting a cannabis-derived oil in her luggage), however.

Among them is Curt Schilling the baseball great that is known for weighing in on such controversial topics as radical Islam, his opposition to the left’s transgender bathroom laws, and his support for Donald Trump

Attacking Griner on Twitter and pointing out the ridiculousness of the situation, said:

I know this may seem like a stretch. But something like 300 million people understand “OBEY THE FUCKING LAW”, why is that such a challenge? And why on earth should she NOT pay the penalty for breaking another country’s laws?

That tweet came as a response to LeBron James. As background, the far-left NBA star that took a controversial stance on Griner’s situation, saying that he might not come back to America had he been in Griner’s situation. But, predictably he cowered upon facing pushback, trying to backtrack on Twitter and saying:

My comments on “The Shop” regarding Brittney Griner wasn’t knocking our beautiful country. I was simply saying how she’s probably feeling emotionally along with so many other emotions, thoughts, etc inside that cage she’s been in for over 100+ days! Long story short #BringHerHome

It was that tweet apology that Schilling was replying to when he skewered Griner.

BlueStateConservative, making an excellent point about Griner’s situation that accords with Schilling’s excellent point, said:

Consider this scenario: If Brittney Griner had been a non-famous, 5’11”, heterosexual average white man from East Jabbip, Ohio, who idiotically decided to travel to Russia with some weed and a bong and subsequently got arrested and imprisoned, would any of us have even heard of him? Would there be clamoring from hysterical leftists to “Free Johnny Jumpshot!”? Or would anyone hearing about the story here in the states simply shrug their shoulders and say, “Johnny is a moron, and it serves him right. He should’ve known better.”

Of course the latter is the case. Griner is eliciting sympathy from the left because of her race, not despite it. Were she the average Joe, no one would be protesting for the Russkies to let her go despite her admitted guilt in bringing the drugs into the country.

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