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BOOM: Tucker Brilliantly Exposes Big Tech Censorship of Hunter Biden Misdeeds



If you’ve been on Twitter recently, you’ve seen the now infamous video of Hunter Biden weighing what appears to be crack on a scale while arguing with a woman that is supposedly a prostitute about how much crack is on the scale once the weight of the bag the crack was in has been subtracted.

It’s a sad, sickening video, one that shows Hunter’s depravity and crack addiction in full color and exposes what the “smartest guy” Joe knows was up to when he wasn’t collecting checks from China.

However, while the video is now ubiquitous on conservative spheres on social media platforms, particularly Twitter and Truth Social, it’s harder to find on Google, with censorship of the results hiding the video or making it appear like an obscure conspiracy theory rather than a massive news story.

Tucker Carlson exposed that in the monologue of his show, saying:

Again, the FBI has done nothing since obtaining the hard drive years ago, meanwhile it’s raiding people’s houses because they, what, supported Trump in the last election? And the tech companies, as always, are on board, on China’s side, once again censoring any discussion of Hunter Biden’s activities, criminal activities, some of which are on video.

“If you don’t believe it, try it yourself. Type in ‘Hunter Biden weighing crack on a scale,’ which is out there. Type it into Google and see what happens. You will get obscure results from random YouTube channels. You click on Google’s news tab, nothing from an American media publication appears.

“They are stepping on the scale, they’re censoring information, as they have from the very beginning.”

woke bishop

Continuing, Tucker then went on to emphasize why it is that the Big Tech companies are working to cover for Hunter Biden, noting that it’s not Hunter’s crack problem that’s at issue, but rather his connection to Red China and potentially criminal activities with Russian escorts.

Speaking on that and informing his viewers of the intent behind the Big Tech censorship in the latest tawdry Hunter Biden story, Tucker said:

Why are they doing that? Because it matters, that’s why. It’s not about whether Hunter Biden was a druggie — yeah, he was, with a screwed up personal life and weird personal — yeah, we knew that. That’s not what it is about.

They’re not protecting Hunter Biden. They’re protecting this administration and they’re trying to prevent you from understanding this administration’s posture toward China. Among the latest findings, as reported by Andrew Kerr at the ‘Washington Examiner,’ are that, ‘Joe Biden wired $100,000 to Hunter Biden during the same time frame Hunter Biden spent over $30K on Russian escorts who may very well be linked to an Eastern European human trafficking ring.‘”

What Hunter was up to matters, not because it’s tawdry and a fun way of humiliating the awful Biden family, but because it shows what our “leaders” and “elites” are up to and because Hunter is a key part of the Biden family’s connection to Red China, one which should be highly disturbing to all Americans.

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