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“Buttigieg’s Coms Team or A Joke”: Tucker Trounces Crazy, Woke Billboards that Have Been Popping Up



Tucker Carlson took some time on a recent segment of his hit program to hit something we might not have known that needs to be fought against but that certainly must be defeated. What is that hidden, woke menace? Billboards.

Well, not just any billboards. Weird billboards pushing woke messages on a populace that just wants to be left alone but is instead being constantly lectured to and harassed by the radical leftists both in Slow Joe Biden’s Administration and in other Democrat regimes in states around the country.

Apparently, either the leftists have started putting up woke billboards that seem like cringe messaging straight out of Mayor Pete’s communications team or are just meant to be jokes. Because of how cringe-inducing and ridiculous they are, it’s really quite hard to tell.

And so Tucker shredded them regardless, poking fun at the ridiculous messaging being pushed by billboards you can image a transgender Big Brother (or would it be Big Sister?) putting up, saying:

“Then, Joe Biden gives a speech about fascism after writing the home of his political opponent – you mentioned some billboards you’ve seen popping up everywhere. It’s honestly hard to tell if it’s repeat footage from the communications team or a joke. “Transportation equity for pansexual’s now!” Also so much freedom as a bad thing. Get your IRS audit today. Open the jails, vote progressive this November. “don’t the radical right put our neighborhood street gangs behind bars. End environmental racism now!”

“You can just imagine thousands of NPR listeners driving by and nodding. If you don’t like being mugged, you are the problem. This fall, stand strong for progressive values. Protect pregnant men from claimant discrimination. This is true: no one is free until pansexual’s have free housing. We have not achieved our goals yet. There’s so much more work to do.

“That should be the litmus test for all democratic candidates going forward. Have you brought transportation equity with the theory pansexual community? Get off the stage, you fraud we know that no one is free until pansexual’s have free housing.”

woke bishop

Hilarious stuff from Tucker! He really knows how to mock the left and make it clear just how ridiculous and out of touch they are. Up next the billboards will be saying “Mealworms: They’re What’s for Dinner” (paid for by Bill Gates) and “Ditch the Meat, Sip the Soy” (paid for by Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum).

We’ll see. Maybe the nonsense will start to fade as Americans call it out and react to the woke propaganda being put up along their streets and in their towns. But then again, maybe not. For all their talk of “our democracy,” the radical leftists seem much more like they just want to achieve an end than like they’re interested in finding what Americans want and responding to those needs and desires. Perhaps Pelosi can put stock tips on the billboards next.

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